For the Luv of ''The FilmArena Collection Numbered Editions''


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Mar 28, 2014
Little Gems from ''The FilmArena Collection Numbered Editions'' that I just have fallen for...

2 - AASB.jpg

1 - AASB.jpg 1 - DU.jpg 2 - DU.jpg
1 - EQ.jpg 2 - EQ.jpg 1 - TMR.jpg
2 - TMR.jpg2 - HG3.jpg3 - HG3 Bck.jpg

I had this Award created for us to share our love for those beautiful Packages that film arena has started to craft to be part of the film arena Collection numbered Editions. We can share our love for those editions that just started to come out, and that has taken us by surprised because of the truly amazing exclusives editions they are doing. I hope you all enjoy this award to show our support for their unique little gems they are putting out there. I hope more and more are to come.

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@lenticularis thanks for the compliment yes I very much thought they deserved an Award ! To have been able to get the support to make one happen I was very thankful for the help of wreck and AclDc0r3 ! without them it would not have happened.

thanks @PunkNinja :)

Nice collection mate. Hope you have the funds to collect more lol. [emoji1]

haha Thanks for the vote and indeed hope so too as film arena are on the ball, they are just so lovely ! I have coming HG3, Hexodus, King Kong and Hopefully I am fairly confident that I will get my hands on Elektra ! so nice ones to come and John Wick lets hope this release will happen they have been advertising it for a long time, last I spoke with them they were still working on the package which I believe it means they are working with the distributor to have it approved...

Awarded! Congratulations! :)

Thanks so much Kelly for Everything, without you this would not have been possible, Thanks for the Award :emb:
Such a great collection!!!!!! One day I'll have a copy of As Above then I won't be so jealous ;) Did you manage to get on the Elektra list? I hope so, you deserve it for answering the same questions day after day so Karel doesn't have to!
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Such a great collection!!!!!! One day I'll have a copy of As Above then I won't be so jealous ;) Did you manage to get on the Elektra list? I hope so, you deserve it for answering the same questions day after day so Karel doesn't have to!

I hope you get your copy of As Above So Below such a great release ! and yes I got in the Elektra GB for sure !!! and thanks yes Karel has enough to take care of with the Group Buys so he's happy that he doesn't have to respond on the threads but even if he wanted because of the language Barrier he would not be able to... and Collector(his translator is too busy to do the answering on the threads also) but I enjoy it as I love fa, I have loved them from the beginning when they started with the film arena Collection, reason why I was able to get a copy of AASB.
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My 2 new Stunning addition to my film arena Collection numbered editions.
There is no word to describe at how beautiful they are in hands,
pictures again do not do them justice (especially with my crapy camera :hilarious:)
I didn't open them, I can only imagine at how much the inside must be impressive,
astonishing from the pictures I have seen from film arena.
Film arena does not cease to impress...and with more beautiful ones coming out also
I cannot wait to receive my Kingsman and Whiplash it's Luv :drool:

1 - Exodus and Elektra Front.jpg 1 - Exodus and Elektra Back.jpg 2 - Elektra Sideways.jpg 1 - Exodus Front.jpg 2 - Elektra Back.jpg
1 - Exodus Back.jpg 1 - Exodus Card.jpg 2 - Elektra Card.jpg
Adding 2 out of the last 4 I received (will Post Whiplash and Kingsman a little later). Finally Chappie in hands, it is just such another Amazing film arena Collection Numbered edition, they outdone themselves again...The embossing on the slip is just as usual superb, the title also, the artwork oufff such a stunning WEA FullSlip to go with all the little gifts inside this package. And also Terminator 3, really beautiful in hands I was surprised that I would like it that much. But of course the winner is Chappie...really goes along well with Whiplash and Kingsman and soon to join the Exquisite Ex_Machina :drool:
FA make so many moments during the year feel like it is Christmas :joy: This is too sweet I feel like a Kid !

1 - T3 and Chappie Front.jpg 4 - Chappie Sideways.jpg 5 - T3 Sideways.jpg
2 - Chappie Back.jpg 3 - T3 Back.jpg 7 - Chappie Numbering Card.jpg 8 - T3 Numbering Card.jpg
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THE MAZE RUNNER (Opened Copy Pictures)

Since the Beginning of the launch of the film arena Collection, I was lucky enough to jump on board and sign up for The first Group Buy.
At that point when I decided to sign up, in the beginning they took a while to manufacture their WEA FullSlip. They used a new different material but it took longer to dry from what they thought. So by this time they had already Produced the BeautyShot for THE MAZE RUNNER as the first 4 Releases took Longer to produced since it was the Start for them into crafting those little gem of a package. The WEA FullSlip of TMR FAC is absolutely Superb and unlike anything other anywhere else for this release. I love the contrast of the Red Slip to the greenish Steelbook. The WWA Steelbook is one of the most beautiful Steel I find for this year. It has a superb Spot Gloss treatment on the steel in the shape of the maze and it is perfection, great design worthy of being at the centre of this FAC package. For their WEA FullSlip, I love the way they incorporated the Spot Gloss treatment on the white lines of the Maze on the Red FullSlip. The Bonus Art Card are very nice as well and I love the early Package, it was new and different and fresh as this was not from an usual company making exclusive packages but a newbie entering the scene. I Love the minimalistic aspect of the Package, each items are very nice and go so well together. They did go Back to their roots as I would say when they did Whiplash as it had a minimalistic aspect same as the early releases from FAC.

THE MAZE RUNNER FAC is one of my Favorite FullSlip exclusive from film arena and I just opened it not long ago(yes I waited that long to open it as I just started to open my steels which I have been enjoying so very much). I know it's an older release but to me it feels New as I just opened one of the first FAC so I took pictures to show why I love it so much for those who would not have seen this beautiful package from the start of FAC. I have other Favorite ones of course, but I will start with sharing this one.

2 - TMR FullSlip and Steel SG frt.jpg

1 - TMR FullSlip SG.jpg 3 - TMR Bck Steel bck Slip.jpg 4 - TMR Steel bck.jpg 5 - TMR FullSlip steel envelop front.jpg 6 - TMR FullSlip steel envelop back.jpg
Dracula Untold (Open Copy Pictures)

This is my 2nd ''film arena Collection numbered edition'' release that I want to humbly share with my fellow members. Some who may have missed the opportunity of obtaining a copy of it and maybe after seeing those pictures, if one(a copy) comes their way, they may just grab it and not let this little gem pass them by. This is also part of the Steels that I just recently opened as I used to keep them all sealed, but now I started opening some of them that I want to enjoy and this is one of my favourite FAC release. I have been waiting to open it for so very long and I finally did :smug:

This release was part of the 1st Group Buy that Karel Started at the beginning of the year and it contained 4 releases, TMR, DU, EQ and AASB. So When I saw Dracula Untold The Movie, I wasn't too excited as I though the movie was ''just ok''. But after seeing the FullSlip exclusive Package that film arena had crafted I just got crazy over it and THIS BECAME ONE OF MY FAVORITE FULLSLIP release OF ALL THE FAC, It is just exquisite. The Spot Gloss treatment on Dracula and the Bats on the WEA FullSlip(slightly embossed) is just perfection ! What they designed, this stunning WEA FullSlip has such attention to details and ties in with the Steelbook Design so beautifully. The WWA Steelbook which is one that I came to love very much as well, has a very nice Glossy treatment(it is spot on). When the FullSlip is sealed, you can't see how amazing the Spot Gloss on the FullSlip is, you really have to open/unseal the copy to see it in its full Glory.

I always think it is very amazing when a retailer can make us Fall for a specific Package when we though that the movie was ''just ok '' and the steel by itself, I would not have Purchased, but with such a package that they crafted so well and much thought was put into the design, how can you help but not fall for it ! ?

I often enjoy a movie better the 2nd time around, I think it is time for me to rewatch this movie since now I have an open copy to watch. I hope you will enjoy the Pictures ~ This release is simply Wicked :naughty:

1 - DU Front SG FullSlip 1.jpg 2 - DU Front SG FullSlip 2.jpg 3 - DU Bck FullSlip Sideways.jpg 4 - DU Bck FullSlip 2.jpg
5 - DU Front Steel n Slip.jpg 6 - DU BCK Steel n Slip.jpg 8 - DU Bonus Card envelop.jpg
As Above, So Below (Opened Copy)

So this is one of the little gem very sought after that was part also from the first Group Buy that Karel had started when introducing the first releases from the film arena Collection. AASB is the First Release from the film arena Collection and only 100 numbered editions were printed.
I was very lucky to be able to obtain a copy and this is another one that sat Sealed for a very very long time but decided to open it as lately, as I have Stated, I started opening the ones I wanted to do so for a while but now I am actually enjoying some of my steel opened. Most of the time I do have still a sealed copy when I Open one, but still when you are not used to it and your OCD is through the roof it is not easy to open Steelbook Copies.

This is one truly beautiful release, Another Package that actually makes the movies more interesting when in hands, and it is a nice little Package that Started it all for the film arena Collection.

I hope you enjoy the Pictures :oohyeah:

1 - AASB Slip Back.jpg 2 - AASB Slip Front.jpg 3 - AASB Slip Spine.jpg 4 - AASB Slip Top.jpg 5 - AASB Slip n Steel Front.jpg 6 - AASB Slip n Steel Back.jpg 7 - AASB Steel Front.jpg 8 - AASB Steel Back.jpg 10 - AASB Card Pack Front.jpg 11 - AASB Card Pack Back.jpg
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Ex_Machina ''film arena Collection'' [with Additional Fan Made Art Cards]

I have to start by Saying that the FullSlip Package made by film arena with all the selected Bonus items as seen from the BeautyShot is superbly Done, one that is part of their Best so far from the ''film arena Collection''. All of the bonus items selected from the original Package really reflect very well the modern Clean look of the movie. All the elements as seen from the beautyshot blends very well together to make it such a great clean package. In hands, is of course even more beautiful :drool:

When I saw @Blu-devil his custom Art Work Card, it really got me inspired to also make my own Package by adding a few Custom Fan Made Art Cards myself(as I have been wanting to do something creative for so long). I just loved the blue of his card, I though it was a nice/different addition to the FAC Package. So I searched and searched and searched and found the Artwork he used that I totally loved(the blue one) and I also came across a more bold one, the Red one, that works very well with the dance scene in the movie which is just so sweet(Get Down Saturday Night) ! I also came upon the picture that was used by Mondo to make the ''figure of Ava'' on the clear plastic slip cover of the Mondo release which I think it is the best part of that whole Mondo release. So with a long time of searching I had found very selectively 3 Pictures that I wanted to Add to make myself a 2nd Version of the FAC Ex_Machina.

I thought that once I had the pictures selected it would be just a breeze to do, but it was more involving than I thought it would be, to simply make 3 Art Cards. I had to adjust the colors on the Red and Blue ''Art Cards'' as they were too bright and I wanted them to be more towards ''earthy tones'' as I still wanted them to blend in well within the Package even though they were bold colors added to it. After finally having adjusted to my satisfaction the color tones, I also changed the font for my 3 Art Cards to have a different one for the title ''Ex_Machina'' on each of the 3 ''Art Cards'' I added(to be a bit different than the ''font'' used by FA). The Mondo picture I just feel it should have been this one to have been selected as the ''fold in poster'' by FA in the Original Package/Release, so I just added the custom Title on the ''Art Card Silhouette'' Mondo one and added it as my 3rd Art Card to my own custom Package. The whole process was not as simple as I thought it would be. From the selecting pictures and making sure they go well together and adjusting the colors that was needed was tricky(it wasn't straight forward).

But I am VERY HAPPY with the final Look of my 3 ''Custom Art Cards'' added to have made a different look to the FAC Release. To have spiced it up ;) I am very Proud to share it with all you guys :emb:

EX CMA 1.jpg

EX CMA 2.jpg EX CMA 3.jpg EX CMA 4.jpg EX CMA 5.jpg EX CMA 6.jpg EX CMA 7.jpg

You're opening up your FA editions @Actarus !!? You should open chappie up next imo :) I think chappie is one of my favorite editions thus far.

Yes I am :emb: and its you who pushed me, gave me a little nudge I should say and you were is nice to open them and enjoy them. I balance things out but I am opening more and more steels and it is nice to see their beauty in hands...For me it is still Dracula Untold(That Fullslip is the best they ever did, TMR, Mockingjay pt.1(love that flip flop lenti it is superb) and also Kingsman :drool: ...I love so many of them...but opening the ones that I will enjoy and rewatch.