Guardians of the Galaxy - Steelbook feedback for Disney

Would you be happy with the GOTG steelbook as currently designed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 126 23.6%
  • NO! Please give us an alternative design Disney & Marvel!

    Votes: 407 76.4%

  • Total voters
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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
Attention members!

Please provide us with your feedback, alternate designs and definitely vote in the poll!

I will pass along this thread, along with your constructive feedback about how to improve upon the design that we've already been shown.

As we know, it is up to the studio to provide the final choice of artwork & design, but if this response if OVERWHELMING, we may have a shot to be heard.

Thanks in advance, as always for being members of HDN!

EDIT - To clarify, if our feedback is too late for this run, please keep in mind that this thread CAN be used for a variant steelbook release that could happen in the future! Keep those suggestions coming!
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People think that the steel will still sell despite the FAIL job, but I disagree. The Blu-ray amaray & DVD will sell well and the steel will end up in the bargain section (especially in the US) unless some smart marketing offer is initiated (ala CA2 BB discount with TV title purchase). Does anyone remember that dreadful Monster Uni WWA design? Still available on Zavvi and in other countries.

most new release in the states with the exception of only a select few sold out within a couple of weeks. When you add on the fact this a major release and there are a lot of flippers (when its a steelbook, people are always there to make buck) i dont seeing this lasting for very long UNLESS its a huge print run like the dark knight rises. And there are still a lot of people out there that do like this art and others who can hardly care what the art is because it is a marvel title

take a look at ebay too, everything that has sold has been at least $40 minimum, for whatever reason people are shelling out loads of money over this and it hasn't even been released yet !
Having some fun on Photoshop:

Love this second one, Agent McGueen! ❤️❤️❤️ I'd purchase it in a "hot minute". Now that is what I would have expected for this great Marvel movie. Note to Marvel/Disney= HEAR US = you are going to loose a lot of very, smart, artistic, wonderful group of steel customers who make up this lucritive market and steel business in and out of the US. How's it feel to have thousands of negative comments everywhere on all social media and all the steelbook sites. And how does it feel to see all the cancellations AFTER BestBuy changed the artwork that everyone wanted with the actors on it, to this ridculous cassete. UGH! Cancelled mine immediately. AND will not buy your movie, Marvel, until you let another company redo the cover in proper steebool artistic fashion like the one Agent McGueen showed us here with the actors on the cover. THIS IS A FUN COVER!!!! And that is what it is all about for us! Not a dull, dumb cassette. I have purchased ALL the Marvel Iron Mans, Thors, Capts, Avengers with great appropriate covers, but just because you are Marvel and make a good movie does not mean that I will purchase just any ridculous cover artwork on our steelsbooks.
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