Guilty Pleasures: Movies that are so terrible you enjoy watching them

So many, Mars Attacks, Spaceballs, Jennifer's Body, all bit cringe but I love them :)
I've apparently got tons of these, even though they're not necessarily films I'd consider to be bad... I'm just told they are and most of my friends say I should be ashamed for liking them. :( :p

A few off the top of my head... Spacejam, Sucker Punch, Waterworld, Dude Where's My Car?, Kevin & Perry Go Large. :cool:
I've apparently got tons of these, even though they're not necessarily films I'd consider to be bad... I'm just told they are and most of my friends say I should be ashamed for liking them. :( :p

A few off the top of my head... Spacejam, Sucker Punch, Waterworld, Dude Where's My Car?, Kevin & Perry Go Large. :cool:

Lol Kevin and Perry was always a huge fav of mine :whistle:
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Kevin and Perry was awesome, I loved Spaceballs too. I don't think these are awful movies though despite what others might say!:p
The Room.
Funny Farm, Crazy People, Takin' Care of Business, Up The Creek, Moving Violations, Iron Eagle, My Science Project, The Pick-Up Artist, Back to School, Class, Valley Girl, Roadhouse, Bad Influence, Criminal Law, The Hard Way, Doc Hollywood, True Believer, Noises Off, Oscar, Innocent Blood, One From The Heart, Buckaroo Bonzai, Krull, Prince of Darkness, Captain Kronos, Exorcist III, Paperhouse, The Quiet Earth,.....
(Of course everything is subjective...:)!!!).
Awesome thread @Cobster :thumbs:
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992) for starters.
Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events (2004)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000)
Elf (2003)
Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat (2003)
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