This GB is for :
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (Blu-ray SteelBook) (HDzeta Exclusive No.5) [China]
Quantity available for order 200-250 sets
Expected release date : 7-Oct-2016
Item cost USD53 includes paypal fees. (Includes direct shipping from HDZeta to you)
- Hi-Def Ninja rules apply to this GB.
- When committing by replying here, you HAVE to take the item. NO BACKING DOWN!
- Limit to 3(three) set per member.
Please subscribe to this thread so that you can be directly informed of updates.
- Payment required - 29th Sep 2016 last payment date is 6th Oct 2016. Non-payment after this date will not be entertained.
- I send the invoice via PM and payment must be done via Paypal. (Paypal account [email protected])
- Or you may proceed to make payment on and after 28th Sep 2016.
- Please state your nick/username, which title you are paying when making payment and make sure your mailing address is correct and updated.
- Unfortunately, I CANNOT accept Personnal Payment anymore (Paypal rules).
- Please be informed that shipping it's directly dispatch from HDZeta, no refund or whatsoever once the package is sent. If you are unable to receive your package when the package is sent, the package will be return to HDZETA directly, a resend would incurred additional shipping charges which will be borne by you.
IF you decide not to pay, you can be assured that you're going to be on my personnal blacklist and that Ninja's will find you wherever you are.
: Invoice sent
: Payment received
: Package sent
Please indicate your USERNAME and quantity you wish to join.
(Limit only to 3 copy for each member)
{Username X Qty Country)
Fajiats LM113515475CN
JackieBoy LM113515492CN
Wychtlsn LM113515501CN
bobberino LT277568093CN
***hS1337 LM113515532CN
Headhunter LX987110806CN
jaszeron LT277568102CN
vgor LM113515563CN
gosthunter02 LT277568116CN
Lollard2002 LX987110810CN
MRD LX987110823CN
munkyandjess LT277568120CN
SamG2 LM113515603CN
C2V3N RG302834558CN
taher RG302834561CN
boobymcgee RG302834575CN
steelmybeatingheart LX987110837CN
Francis168 LX987110845CN
Marshall Banana LM113515648CN
shanester LM113515679CN
sieffer LX987110854CN
sunnyx LX987110868CN
bigdaygt LT277568164CN
frankfish44 LT277568178CN
Mkachanthong LT277568181CN
CleverLoginName LM113515722CN
zircon101 LM113515736CN
A&Tfilms LX987110871CN
golomidov_alex LM113515767CN
Dano LT277568195CN
ChoppedUp LT277568204CN
ariba266 LM113515798CN
galareta2332 LX987110885CN
chingie123 LM113515815CN
hatredhorror LM113515838CN
Selajin LM113515855CN
wouter LX987110908CN
Bouncingnrg LX987110925CN
Tommyh84 LX987110939CN
Solomont RG302834589CN
Mercurial LX987110956CN
Le Marquis LM113515912CN
stephoo67 LM113515926CN
Joe LX987110960CN
Ali D LX987110995CN LX988081880CN
ChrisIW LX987111007CN
ded7 LM113675738CN
Radagast LM113675769CN
reisspsy LX987177547CN LX988081893CN
Walt Dizzy LM113675786CN
Serghio Gubini LM113675790CN
jayscott1969 LX987177564CN
Lester LX987177581CN
jack D. LM113675826CN
HornyRhino LX987177595CN
Hooltra LM113675843CN
phishphan192 LT278083895CN
GoldenEye0915 EV930496319CN
Blu Ray Addict LT278083913CN
marmup LT278083935CN
blurayfanatic LT278083958CN
Jaxxx LT278083975CN
Kendo76 LX987177621CN
rsaotome LT278084043CN
bigballas01 LT278084091CN
jimmyv LT278084131CN
boba_fett300 LM113675888CN
rockntoni87 LM113675905CN LM113675914CN
Brian Puterman LT278084180CN
oliverb81 LM113675928CN
DEDE02 LM113675945CN
Kaamelott LM113675959CN
Dawe4 RG302834592CN
Joa-Chim EA257803393CN
Sajid Ali LX987177649CN EV930286465CN
Shadowscythe85 LT278084255CN
MrToto LM113675976CN
JCC LT278084281CN LT285194702CN
Ryan11 RG302834601CN
ilya LM113675980CN
wjasoncul LT278084295CN LT285194747CN
Daniel Espinoza LT278084318CN
DaneMB LX987177666CN
kryptonite LT278084366CN
Toecutterthefirst LM113676000CN
metalpaul1000 LX987177670CN
megabee LM113676013CN
DylanDog75 LX987178825CN
stb32 LM113677518CN
Uraki EV930496305CN
funkeule LM113677521CN
Masta Norris LM113677535CN
nutcaseshy LX987178834CN
darczap LT278093694CN
Ashish LX987369272CN LX988081902CN
OPPOtaco LT279430398CN
Red Sign EV930445175CN
takebo EV930445161CN
Baldarock LM114077798CN
Zeefy LX987369286CN
huggy2k4 LX987369290CN
howarmat LT279430455CN
gosthunter02 LT279430472CN
MIFFED LX987369309CN
TheCollector86 LM114077815CN
DudleyMan LX987369312CN
petpet LX987369326CN
blue_J LT279430526CN
Dhiraj1 LX987369330CN
Jukka LM114077824CN
Familyguy824 LT279430557CN
oliver1968 LM114077838CN
sbderg LM114077841CN
FinalFR LM114077855CN
kootezafra RG302834615CN
Fullhd1080p LX987369343CN
Askari23 LT279430588CN
matt18 LX987369357CN
DJ Hilalo LX987369365CN
rtphoenix LM114077869CN
Duffs LX987369374CN
andrewmacattack LX987369388CN
fishvtec LM14077872CN
GoDo LX987369391CN
StifflersDad LX987369405CN
blind LM14077886CN
kataxu36 LT279430852CN
LewisWatts LX987369428CN
Steelboy LM114077909CN
misformatt LTE79430937CN
ANDY10578 LX987369445CN
Crokk LX987369459CN
Ranavalone LX987369462CN LX988081916CN
BDestroyer8418 LTE79431036CN
rj531 LM14077926CN
Lenny Nero LM14077930CN
topeco LX987369476CN
AlexMacOl RG302834632CN
Netclone LM14077943CN LM115786569CN
eLviS1987 LM115150083CN
bigry LX987820156CN
Lganz316 LX987820173CN
jasonupham LX987820187CN
Jeffster15 LT283132532CN
thecuze LT283132546CN
Strangerbyday LX987820195CN
Michael Hallmanns LM115150097CN
Nemerien LM115150106CN
BLUCanadian LM115150110CN LM115786572CN
popuk LX987820200CN
pacman LX987820213CN
sqwonky LX987820227CN
R4FFO LX987820235CN
Steven taylor LX987820244CN
jeroconjota RG302834646CN
Guellium RG302834650CN
Kal-El_ LT283132550CN
zoltan_g LX987820258CN
tokaman LX987820261CN
HOBBS LT283132563CN
Warmachine LX987820275CN
PHD LT283132577CN LT285194883CN
damnernsaduak LX987820540CN
Airzonk LT283135471CN
Daniel Blaha RG302834663CN
Jhadur LX987820553CN
trini LT283135499CN
Jedi Clare LX987820567CN
Gurrich LM115150962CN
ghostwhowalks LX987820575CN
Gasdog LT283135508CN
Petr Privalov LM115150976CN
Alexsh LM115150980CN
metal hunter LM115150993CN
lost LX987820584CN
thestixter LT283135525CN
Jeek LM115151000CN
CjRod LT283135542CN
Blumetal LX987820607CN LX988081920CN
linhungsam LM115151027CN
Lafleur LM115151035CN
ESM999 RG302834677CN
Covcraig LX987820615CN
FightingPhantom LT283135573CN
r1chitect LT283135587CN
RomanCH LM115151058CN
tomasg RG302834685CN
Hyena2016 LX987820638CN
BaleHardy LT283135600CN LT285194954CN
Sarao Ida LX987820655CN
Aberdonian83 LX987820669CN
Txohlo RG302834694CN
Blu-devil LX987820672CN
bantha11 LT283135613CN
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (Blu-ray SteelBook) (HDzeta Exclusive No.5) [China]
Quantity available for order 200-250 sets
Expected release date : 7-Oct-2016
Item cost USD53 includes paypal fees. (Includes direct shipping from HDZeta to you)
- Hi-Def Ninja rules apply to this GB.
- When committing by replying here, you HAVE to take the item. NO BACKING DOWN!
- Limit to 3(three) set per member.
Please subscribe to this thread so that you can be directly informed of updates.
- Payment required - 29th Sep 2016 last payment date is 6th Oct 2016. Non-payment after this date will not be entertained.
- I send the invoice via PM and payment must be done via Paypal. (Paypal account [email protected])
- Or you may proceed to make payment on and after 28th Sep 2016.
- Please state your nick/username, which title you are paying when making payment and make sure your mailing address is correct and updated.
- Unfortunately, I CANNOT accept Personnal Payment anymore (Paypal rules).
- Please be informed that shipping it's directly dispatch from HDZeta, no refund or whatsoever once the package is sent. If you are unable to receive your package when the package is sent, the package will be return to HDZETA directly, a resend would incurred additional shipping charges which will be borne by you.
IF you decide not to pay, you can be assured that you're going to be on my personnal blacklist and that Ninja's will find you wherever you are.
Please indicate your USERNAME and quantity you wish to join.
(Limit only to 3 copy for each member)
{Username X Qty Country)
Tracking number for all
- CleverLoginName
- Kendo76
- ChrisIW
- reisspsy
- rj531
- pacman
- Serghio Gubini
- Lester
- metalpaul1000
- frankfish44
- Joe
- Ranavalone
- Ashish
- Ashish
- Fajiats
- AlexMacOI
- kryptonite
- chingie123
- chingie123
- GoDo
- blue_J
- RomanCH
- ariba266
- steelmybeatingheart
- Joa-Chim
- Joa-Chim
- Joa-Chim
- BLuCanadian
- gosthunter02
- megabee
- wjasoncul
- Ali D
- JackieBoy
- Headhunter
- Shadowscythe85
- kaamelott
- taher
- ***hS1337
- BDestroyer8418
- jasonupham
- Francis168
- sqwonky
- mkachanthong
- Covcraig
- MrToto
- Jhadur
- Lewis Watts
- Dawe4
- gasdog
- Jedi Clare
- Sdoom
- stb32
- Hyena2016
- kootezafra
- matt18
- Uraki
- rsaotome
- Blu Ray Addict
- darzap
- andrewmacattack
- Familyguy824
- Fullhd1080p
- Bouncingnrg
- galareta2332
- rtphoenix
- funkeule
- damnernsaduak
- damnernsaduak
- Petr Privalov
- Miffed
- Nemerien
- Nemerien
- Aberdonian83
- TheCollector86
- eLvis1987
- oliverb81
- Doudou Steelbook
- jayscott1969
- kolchaker
- tommyh84
- BaleHardy
- BaleHardy
- BaleHardy
- oliver1968
- CjRod
- DylanDog75
- sunnyx
- sunnyx
- Michael Hallmanns
- bobberino
- jaszeron
- Wychtlsn
- ilya
- popuk
- sdberg
- munkyandjess
- Lenny Nero
- Dhiraj1
- Netclone
- stephoo67
- Mercurial
- Sajid Ali
- Sajid Ali
- Sajid Ali
- zoltan_g
- A&Tfilms
- vgor
- misformatt
- Lollard2002
- bantha11
- jack D.
- Kal-El
- topeco
- jeffster15
- zircon101
- linhungsam
- ghostwhowalks
- jukka
- JH2607
- bigballas01
- HornyRhino
- Crokk
- Daniel Espinoza
- Selajin
- ded7
- marshall banana
- jimmyv
- Alexsh
- Brian Puterman
- wouter
- Baldarock
- petpet
- Red Sign
- blumetal
- Lafleur
- thecuze
- kataxu36
- r1chitect
Fajiats LM113515475CN
JackieBoy LM113515492CN
Wychtlsn LM113515501CN
bobberino LT277568093CN
***hS1337 LM113515532CN
Headhunter LX987110806CN
jaszeron LT277568102CN
vgor LM113515563CN
gosthunter02 LT277568116CN
Lollard2002 LX987110810CN
MRD LX987110823CN
munkyandjess LT277568120CN
SamG2 LM113515603CN
C2V3N RG302834558CN
taher RG302834561CN
boobymcgee RG302834575CN
steelmybeatingheart LX987110837CN
Francis168 LX987110845CN
Marshall Banana LM113515648CN
shanester LM113515679CN
sieffer LX987110854CN
sunnyx LX987110868CN
bigdaygt LT277568164CN
frankfish44 LT277568178CN
Mkachanthong LT277568181CN
CleverLoginName LM113515722CN
zircon101 LM113515736CN
A&Tfilms LX987110871CN
golomidov_alex LM113515767CN
Dano LT277568195CN
ChoppedUp LT277568204CN
ariba266 LM113515798CN
galareta2332 LX987110885CN
chingie123 LM113515815CN
hatredhorror LM113515838CN
Selajin LM113515855CN
wouter LX987110908CN
Bouncingnrg LX987110925CN
Tommyh84 LX987110939CN
Solomont RG302834589CN
Mercurial LX987110956CN
Le Marquis LM113515912CN
stephoo67 LM113515926CN
Joe LX987110960CN
Ali D LX987110995CN LX988081880CN
ChrisIW LX987111007CN
ded7 LM113675738CN
Radagast LM113675769CN
reisspsy LX987177547CN LX988081893CN
Walt Dizzy LM113675786CN
Serghio Gubini LM113675790CN
jayscott1969 LX987177564CN
Lester LX987177581CN
jack D. LM113675826CN
HornyRhino LX987177595CN
Hooltra LM113675843CN
phishphan192 LT278083895CN
GoldenEye0915 EV930496319CN
Blu Ray Addict LT278083913CN
marmup LT278083935CN
blurayfanatic LT278083958CN
Jaxxx LT278083975CN
Kendo76 LX987177621CN
rsaotome LT278084043CN
bigballas01 LT278084091CN
jimmyv LT278084131CN
boba_fett300 LM113675888CN
rockntoni87 LM113675905CN LM113675914CN
Brian Puterman LT278084180CN
oliverb81 LM113675928CN
DEDE02 LM113675945CN
Kaamelott LM113675959CN
Dawe4 RG302834592CN
Joa-Chim EA257803393CN
Sajid Ali LX987177649CN EV930286465CN
Shadowscythe85 LT278084255CN
MrToto LM113675976CN
JCC LT278084281CN LT285194702CN
Ryan11 RG302834601CN
ilya LM113675980CN
wjasoncul LT278084295CN LT285194747CN
Daniel Espinoza LT278084318CN
DaneMB LX987177666CN
kryptonite LT278084366CN
Toecutterthefirst LM113676000CN
metalpaul1000 LX987177670CN
megabee LM113676013CN
DylanDog75 LX987178825CN
stb32 LM113677518CN
Uraki EV930496305CN
funkeule LM113677521CN
Masta Norris LM113677535CN
nutcaseshy LX987178834CN
darczap LT278093694CN
Ashish LX987369272CN LX988081902CN
OPPOtaco LT279430398CN
Red Sign EV930445175CN
takebo EV930445161CN
Baldarock LM114077798CN
Zeefy LX987369286CN
huggy2k4 LX987369290CN
howarmat LT279430455CN
gosthunter02 LT279430472CN
MIFFED LX987369309CN
TheCollector86 LM114077815CN
DudleyMan LX987369312CN
petpet LX987369326CN
blue_J LT279430526CN
Dhiraj1 LX987369330CN
Jukka LM114077824CN
Familyguy824 LT279430557CN
oliver1968 LM114077838CN
sbderg LM114077841CN
FinalFR LM114077855CN
kootezafra RG302834615CN
Fullhd1080p LX987369343CN
Askari23 LT279430588CN
matt18 LX987369357CN
DJ Hilalo LX987369365CN
rtphoenix LM114077869CN
Duffs LX987369374CN
andrewmacattack LX987369388CN
fishvtec LM14077872CN
GoDo LX987369391CN
StifflersDad LX987369405CN
blind LM14077886CN
kataxu36 LT279430852CN
LewisWatts LX987369428CN
Steelboy LM114077909CN
misformatt LTE79430937CN
ANDY10578 LX987369445CN
Crokk LX987369459CN
Ranavalone LX987369462CN LX988081916CN
BDestroyer8418 LTE79431036CN
rj531 LM14077926CN
Lenny Nero LM14077930CN
topeco LX987369476CN
AlexMacOl RG302834632CN
Netclone LM14077943CN LM115786569CN
eLviS1987 LM115150083CN
bigry LX987820156CN
Lganz316 LX987820173CN
jasonupham LX987820187CN
Jeffster15 LT283132532CN
thecuze LT283132546CN
Strangerbyday LX987820195CN
Michael Hallmanns LM115150097CN
Nemerien LM115150106CN
BLUCanadian LM115150110CN LM115786572CN
popuk LX987820200CN
pacman LX987820213CN
sqwonky LX987820227CN
R4FFO LX987820235CN
Steven taylor LX987820244CN
jeroconjota RG302834646CN
Guellium RG302834650CN
Kal-El_ LT283132550CN
zoltan_g LX987820258CN
tokaman LX987820261CN
HOBBS LT283132563CN
Warmachine LX987820275CN
PHD LT283132577CN LT285194883CN
damnernsaduak LX987820540CN
Airzonk LT283135471CN
Daniel Blaha RG302834663CN
Jhadur LX987820553CN
trini LT283135499CN
Jedi Clare LX987820567CN
Gurrich LM115150962CN
ghostwhowalks LX987820575CN
Gasdog LT283135508CN
Petr Privalov LM115150976CN
Alexsh LM115150980CN
metal hunter LM115150993CN
lost LX987820584CN
thestixter LT283135525CN
Jeek LM115151000CN
CjRod LT283135542CN
Blumetal LX987820607CN LX988081920CN
linhungsam LM115151027CN
Lafleur LM115151035CN
ESM999 RG302834677CN
Covcraig LX987820615CN
FightingPhantom LT283135573CN
r1chitect LT283135587CN
RomanCH LM115151058CN
tomasg RG302834685CN
Hyena2016 LX987820638CN
BaleHardy LT283135600CN LT285194954CN
Sarao Ida LX987820655CN
Aberdonian83 LX987820669CN
Txohlo RG302834694CN
Blu-devil LX987820672CN
bantha11 LT283135613CN
Last edited: