Installing a wireless camera? or maybe not? Help!

Naughtius Maximus

Premium Supporter
Oct 30, 2011
Morning all,

Right I need some feedback about the following:

Is it possible to install a camera (presumably wireless?) into a room and use the local broadband to connect to it whilst offsite?

Sounds all very pervy etc but my Great granddad is all alone at his place and it would be nice to check up on him without having to do the 40min round trip every time we're worried about him....

I imagine the data streaming alone would be too huge for a normal broadband connection? I'm only guessing here. Before any smartarses say 'phone him', he doesn’t always hear the damn thing lol :D

Oh and we dont need it on all the time as we'd only be checking on him 2-3 times a day when the carers arent there.

Any feedback or suggestions would be appreciated.


p.s. either way we dont want to spend a fortune on this
Almost any camera connected to a computer can be used as a IP or network camera. You can always login to the computer remotely and view the camera that way. Most dedicated IP cameras require some type of server to at least buffer to plus that can run into some money. I login to my computer remotely and view my camera that way. Both Team View and LogMeIn are good remote access clients. Hope that sheds some light on the subject. :)
Cheers mate, I've looked into it more after your comments and think i've got a better understanding now :)

Just looking at cameras now!
yeah these are great for babies and newborns for momma to watch em on the laptop while working in the kitchen or relaxing in another room.

Also, we have a couple of these installed at my parents vacation home all the way across the world to check in on it from time to time without having to rely on someone else.

Pretty handy dandy stuff but it can get expensive quick but was worth it to my parents to be able to check in without actually being there. We have an encrypted IP broadcast from the cam's running to us with a back up generator incase power goes down.
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