Last movie seen at theater?

Jan 30, 2009
England |

What was the last movie you saw in theater or the next one you plan on seeing?

Enjoys Guys & Girls :)


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The Revenant - A bizarre comparison perhaps, but this movie reminds me of Vertigo. Stacked with perfectly precise elements, it's purely cinematic and engaging.. and yet like Vertigo, I feel like it has every reason to possess an emotional center to connect with but it just doesn't. I suppose I sort of felt the same way with Birdman at the cinema as well now that I think about it. I come away wondering exactly where it came up short even with so many memorable attributes backing it from the first frame to the last. A few more lines like Fitzgerald's 'God' may have helped. :rofl:
The Revenant was the last film I seen in the cinema also,I enjoyed it,the story was simple but well executed to a point,maybe too long but the movie looked and sounded good and was well acted all round...I have it pre-ordered but I am still wondering how often I will revisit this movie.
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I did a round 2 for Captain Deadpool today, with Thai subtitles this time ;) I don´t know what it is but i love to hear negasonic teenage warhead been mentioned :p it just sounds so funny :D On the other note, the movie theater was awesome :thumbs: HUGE! screen, reclining seats with plenty of leg space and the ticket price was under 5€ :thumbs: