PS4 Last of Us Firefly Edition PS5

It's going to be a hard pill to swallow paying RRP for the regular edition day 1, would much rather pay the extra for the Fire Fly edition

Games looking good though

It's going to be a hard pill to swallow paying RRP for the regular edition day 1, would much rather pay the extra for the Fire Fly edition

Games looking good though
I was hoping they would implement the gameplay elements of Part 2 (crawling for example).
This gameplay showcase neither confirms it nor denies it. If they really didn‘t raise the gameplay to the level of Part 2 the tough pill to swallow regarding the price gets even tougher. Would be disappointing.
Visually the game is looking stunning, nothing left to desire here.
Let‘s hope for the best.
I really like the improved graphics, haptic feedback and 3D audio they added. I'm also very excited to play Permadeath mode so I'll more than likely get it day one.
To be honest, I don't think crawling would really make such a big difference to me to the point where it would be the deciding factor if to buy or not. I would like dodge though, but regardless.. it looks like a day one purchase for me as I really want to experience the game with the showcased improvements.

I'm probably biased as it's one of my favourite games ever. I already played it 20+ times in the past 2-3 years but at the end of the day if it's going to be an enjoyable experience then it will be worth every penny.
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It‘s one of my favorite games as well and even if they don‘t implement any gameplay elements of Part 2 that‘s not a dealbreaker for me.
With that being said, Naughty Dog has pushed the expectations really high themselves. In the reveal trailer they talked about how they can use all the experience of Uncharted 4 and TLOU Part 2 and implement it in the remake.
So my first thoughts were immediately they are going to include every improvement that Part 2 had over 1 (another example: „opponents“ that show emotions).
So if they are not doing that, that would disappoint me.
Regardless this is going to be the definitive way to play the first game and I‘m looking forward to experience the haptic feedback and the new visuals in all their glory.
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whats the point in making it so limited? only ones winning are scalpers.. i wonder who tf would even remotely consider paying 500$ for this edition.. its nothing special imo
whats the point in making it so limited? only ones winning are scalpers.. i wonder who tf would even remotely consider paying 500$ for this edition.. its nothing special imo

Agree. I wouldn't probably pay over $200 for it anyway. Steelbook is not that great IMO, just wanted the comics.
Apparently those going for 700+ on eBay is just scalpers using multiple accounts to increase the Auction prices..
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Agree. I wouldn't probably pay over $200 for it anyway. Steelbook is not that great IMO, just wanted the comics.
Apparently those going for 700+ on eBay is just scalpers using multiple accounts to increase the Auction prices..
absolutely shameless.. how low can ppl sink to resort to such tactics
Well…that was a f****** lie

My mother in law managed to grab one for me. It will be my Christmas present apparently lol

I see them going on eBay for about £200 + import fees. Maybe wait it out and price might drop. Loads of them have been reported to be creased or damaged during shipping as well.
I'm still hoping EU will get something, maybe during Outbreak Day? Let's hope!
woahhh, thats so nice! thanks a lot!!! also available in germany @jonnybobbytimmy @tha_lunatic

also @tommyh84