NFL Considering Microchip-Implanted Footballs


Jan 27, 2009
San Pedro, CA
Reuters Canada reports that the NFL has spoken with a German manufacturer about placing microchips inside footballs in order to prevent blown calls by officials. The tight-lipped NFL, naturally, would not confirm or deny these reports, but Cairos Technologies sales director Mario Hanus told Reuters, "Yes, we are talking. There is a demand in American Football." The demand is getting touchdown, first-down, out-of-bounds and other calls correct without depending on human officials or instant replay. If microchip technology is implemented, an alarm would sound to let refs know when the ball crossed the goal line or other lines on the field -- rather than officials merely eyeballing it. A marriage between the NFL and microchip technology has been rumored for some time, so we're hesitant to believe (for now anyway) that this latest news means our refs will go robo anytime soon.


i called this two years ago. line the sidelines and endzones with wiring and plant chips in the balls so there is no doubt about a play.

it can easily be pulled off in football too, none of that technology would interfere with the game.