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Bring The Good Times Home
Premium Supporter
Jan 3, 2013
Use the Ninjas for rating (copy and paste)

Half Ninja = Terrible


1 Ninja = Poor

2 Ninjas = Ok

3 Ninjas = Good

4 Ninjas = Very Good

5 Ninjas = Excellent

Last edited:

Had read some lackluster reviews about this so I was kind of prepared going in. I dig Ant Man in a big way so I was willing to take the chance.

To my happy surprise, I actually enjoyed the movie. Yeah, I could see where some of the story was kind of 'eh?', but all in all I had a good time.

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Sometimes there are upcoming movies that really get my juices flowing. It seems, thru the trailers, that it is just the right thing for my movie watching sensibilities. It has all the attributes of something that would seem to be a slam dunk...

..and then you watch it, and reality smacks you in the face with an anvil that sometimes things just don't work out like you'd hoped.

This is one of those films.

It could have been sooooooo much better. I think the problems started after they came up with the premise. Yeah, I think that's where they went astray.

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Kinda? I don't think I was as kind as you with my rating. I almost want to watch it again because I thought it was so bad. But I'm afraid, because time is precious.
I was being kind. Perhaps very. :oohyeah: To be honest, it’s so far removed from the first Thor movie that I’m not sure if should be called a Thor movie. I think I’m done with Taika Waititi as a director.
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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs December 21st 1937


I hadn't watched this in over 25 years so got my CAV laserdisc out of storage. Jaw dropping just doesn't cut it.
It's not hard to see why it's considered the greatest animation ever made. Superb characters, story and very
dark, not adhering 100% to the Brother Grimm tale as it would be too dark.
So many great scenes, songs and the hand animation is sublime.... The film seemed to fly by in 5 minutes.
I might actually watch it again at the weekend.....
It's hard to believe it was made back in 1937.... Time has only enhanced it's reputation.
The Batman (2022)


The movie was literally too dark. Despite turning off all the lights and trying to watch it on both my desktop and television, I couldn't watch more than 30 mins. I'm not entirely sure what happened in those 30 minutes, because I was trying to concentrate on what the heck I was seeing. Was really looking forward to checking this one out.

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (2023)


Super fun! The flashback scene near the beginning was a bit lengthy, but otherwise I enjoyed it. It felt like an early 2000s fantasy romp that was very self-aware and willing to poke fun at itself.


A surreal, evocative fever dream of a movie that made a lot of points that anyone in the audience, no matter their gender, could relate to and emphasize with because of how they were presented. The second half lagged a bit, but I loved it.
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Transformers: Rise of the Beasts


I was bored. The pacing lagged in some parts, and the character designs, including Optimus Prime and effectively all the Terrorcons, were unappealing. The action was fairly nondescript and not memorable aside from two scenes. Vastly prefer Bumblebee over this movie.

Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken


This one was weird. The movie asked for a lot of suspension of disbelief for things that easily could have been written out/altered. Ugly character models that looked like they were inspired by The Good Dinosaur, but with almost zero texture which could have, at least somewhat, made up for it. The first half of the movie felt like a derivative Turning Red knockoff, the second half seemed more original, but it still seemed like it was missing something.

Across the Spider-Verse


I was looking forward to seeing this since ITSV, but I was very underwhelmed.
Some parts felt contrived and shoehorned-in, especially Gwen's resolution with her dad. She basically goes home and realizes that oh, he missed her the entire time, all is good, then she leaves again. It felt like a random side quest that the writers just had to include, because otherwise nothing would have been resolved in the entire movie. It also didn't feel like an earned payoff at all, compared to Miles' arc in the first movie. Gwen didn't reflect on her father; nothing happened over the course of the movie to change how she would interact with her father at the end. The new side characters felt flat, and I was missing their motivations aside from 2099. It almost felt like an MCU movie that was just checking off boxes, which was immensely disappointing, because the first movie was distinctly not MCU. The movie didn't feel as focused and I hope it doesn't turn into a Spider-Man 3 situation with how they set up two "big bads" and tons of smaller story strings in the next movie. Ending was bizarre. I went in not expecting a cliffhanger, and as the movie neared its end I knew there was going to be one, which was fine, but with how the shots were presented, I kept getting faked-out because half the shots seemed like they would be the one to end the movie. Upset about the VFX artist treatment too, which I didn't dock a ninja for, but I felt it was worth mentioning. Animation was great as usual.