XboxONE Redfall Steelbook


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Jul 28, 2019
United Kingdom

That would be the BiteBack Edition steelbook. Quite lame..
At GAME UK for £99.98 and most other retailers worldwide.


This is the Canadian steelbook! Much better.
At VGP for $89.99 CAD.
Of course a bundled pricey special edition one is basic as f***

Could be an arty steelbook for Dracula and I’d believe it
I used to watch their customs for a while in the past but it's a bit of a let down knowing that they also copy official steelbooks for some titles.
I used to watch their customs for a while in the past but it's a bit of a let down knowing that they also copy official steelbooks for some titles.
Most serious case would be TitanFall 2 looked near identical, and alot of their Call of Duty steels are copies or near identical as well.

Redfall Definitely sounds like one of Microsoft's most original IPs in a long time so I came up with this design that I submitted to FantasyBox that will produce it.

Alright, might as well close up this thread as this is the most absurd thing I've heard of since the overpriced version of God of War not coming with a disc.

Just announced all physical copies of Redfall for both- PC & Xbox will be download codes only. This seems so stupid, yet also worries me about the game quality for an exclusive IP to not even get a physical release...