SteelBook Shelf - ie. Harry Potter - Do you want more?


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Would you buy other shelves for franchises?

Think of ones with steelbooks that are already made primarily.

Or think of something creative. Steelbook Branded shelf that holds 5 or 10 etc.

let's hear it ... this is getting passed on in a few hours. It will be continually checked up on over time.
The problem with the shelf and for steelbooks, is that whomever offers it would have to offer or have offered a complete set of steels of the same franchise or of the same "theme" somehow.
Would be nice to see something like a steelbook shelf for a list a classic WB movies for examples. It would be released after I don't know... a list of their 10 greatest classics are released on steelbook format.

My 2 cents.
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I wouldn't mind a Kubrick Collection Steelbook shelf, though only Full Metal Jacket and 2001 exists in Steelbook form so I hope those come out first. ;)

I think a Marvel Steelbook shelf would be nice as well, perhaps an Avengers shelf with space for Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, and of course the upcoming Avengers (likely to get a Steelbook me thinks).

A Nolan Batman Steelbook shelf would be something I would love to see (housing for the amazing Batman trilogy). Oh man, this brainstorming is getting me excited. :p
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Even a shelf for a WAVE would be cool in my eyes, the shelf has artwork from the diff movies. Might be easier if done per actor. So its like 5 diff movies, but all star same actor ... iconic art from the actor on the outside.

QT shelf to store Tarantino steels would be cool too. lots of iconic art for that.
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I think it has to be a worthwhile case and a franchise to be honest.

The Harry Potter case for sure is great and worth it as the franchise is massive, and as previously said for Twilight, Marvel etc I think it would be great.

As long as we get some over here in the UK ;)
Yes, but I prefer to have some more 'meaty' flicks. Although I love many of the 'popcorn' flicks, I think it would be great to bring out some worthy Award Winners, like a 'Best Picture' series, or one that is 'Director' or 'Studio' based (i.e a G2 Paramount 'Wave' of 'Classics' like Jaws, etc, with corresponding shelf. After a while 'too many' shelves for just any franchise or series would render the 'extra' giveway a little useless. But I'd definitely be interested in seeing some more...
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Resident Evil, theres 5 if you include degeneration
XMen, 1,2,3 Wolverine, First Class no doubt there will be more
Rambo, 1,2,3,4
Alien, theres 5 of them
Underworld theres 3 released 1 on the way possibly more
Lord of the rings would be good and you could also add the hobbit as thats a prequel anyway (this would be nice)
Theres lots of scope for this you could have shelfs for certain actors, Arnie, Stallone, Willis to name but 3, endless possibilities as long as some thought was put into them and they didn't cost the earth I would be right up for getting them. I have read some peoples complaints about the HP shelfs build quality and design and have to disagree. For the price it is in my opinion more than fair and the art suits it. Yes it damages easily what in this game does not.

If the powers at be supplied shelfs exactly the same style as the HP one with the right amount of slots and artwork for the relevant titles I would buy every one I had the sets for and I think so would a lot of others, so bring it on Great Idea :scat:
I'd say why not....There are plenty possibilities of what shelfs could be made.

Liked the idea of HP one so why not.........But the contents of the shelf would have to be connected somehow (by director, by franchise, by studios etc.).
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I'd say why not....There are plenty possibilities of what shelfs could be made.

Liked the idea of HP one so why not.........But the contents of the shelf would have to be connected somehow (by director, by franchise, by studios etc.).

Just remembered Fast and furious 5 out 2 to come would be good :cool:
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Just remembered Fast and furious 5 out 2 to come would be good :cool:

Yeah, good idea......Also there is a steelbook for first Batman so why not make the rest and put them in nice shelf.........Big shelf for Pixar could be attractive too......plenty of releases out there.

I like to line up all the G2 size together on the shelves....nice and neat. A shelf just kill the idea...

so far....with all the pictures I have seen with the Harry Potter shelf together with other's so out of place...