Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows (3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (Zoom Exclusive) [UK]

Jan 30, 2013
FFO, Germany
Release date: October 24, 2016
Purchase link: Zoom
Price: £22.99


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I ordered this on Friday (not by PayPal) and just have a £1 pending transaction from them, so seems they probably don't take payment until release
That's just a "pre-auth" to check the validity of the card. After a few days, it will drop off of your account and the retailer will charge you the full amount nearer the time of release. HMV does the same.
Is the money taken on despatch or straight away if you order via PayPal?

Also, if it's taken straight away via PayPal and I change my mind and want to cancel later down the road before release date, I take it I'll just automatically be refunded??
Same price as first one from The Entertainment Store from early 2015 - that one limited to 2,000 pieces with exclusive sticker.
Patiently waited and waited for a price drop on that one which never came, or if it did I missed it - then on one of my regular ES checks several months later I noticed it was showing "Sold out".
In the end had to pay GBP 20.50 on the 22/7/15 on the bay which is only slightly less than the original GBP 22.99 price . . .

Regarding this new one from Zoom I wonder if it:-
a) Is limited to 2,000 here in the U.K.?
b) Has an exclusive retailer sticker like HMV and the Entertainment Store?
c) Will be widely available - and possibly cheaper - across Europe through CDON and other retailers?
At time of writing only spotted as a Best Buy exclusive in the U.S. (1xBD,1xDVD) with no mention of 3D and different insides.

d) Will have this cool artwork ?

Artwork which is far better than the artwork on the ES steelbook and better than any other artwork out there for this film (IMO).
Spot glossed title likely (IMO)
'Bossing that centre image would make this rather special but unlikely to happen (again IMO)
Would make for an interesting lenticular though!

As the artwork is TBC - and not based on official posters - I'm just going to pick out a few from the 18 or so official posters for the film that I feel could make for decent front covers:-
or something "arty" like this one from Dave Quiggle (American Illustrator and tattooist) :-
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Is the money taken on despatch or straight away if you order via PayPal?

Also, if it's taken straight away via PayPal and I change my mind and want to cancel later down the road before release date, I take it I'll just automatically be refunded??

Bumping this question.

Any help anyone? :watch:
OK, but if I change my mind and want to cancel the preorder (like if Filmarena announce one!) then what?

I would of thought they refund you if you cancel but I've never used PayPal for a order except asian releases

Someone help Blusteel out on the matter
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I would of thought they refund you if you cancel but I've never used PayPal for a order except asian releases

Someone help Blusteel out on the matter
Haha! Thanks buddy.

Yeah, I'm the same. I only ever used PayPal on Asian releases which sell out in minutes. So I've never cancelled those.

Which is why I'm asking now :)
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Artwork TBC

Artwork seems to be confirmed now (for The Americas at least).
Presumably same artwork here too but you can of course never be sure if the finish will be the same.

According to the makers:-
"The SteelBook® case features a radical embossed design with all four of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tearing through the steel!
  • Locations
    Americas, Canada, United States
  • Formats
  • Genres
    Movies + TV
  • Finishes
  • Publisher
    Paramount Home Entertainment"
Looks like a perfectly decent companion to the first one from Entertainment Store . . . and the price is similar too . . . and with the embossing (if same for ROW), and despite the silver (bare metal?) colouring, this new one actually promises to be a superior product.
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Not sure if it's already been mentioned but steelbook.com have confirmed this will have a spot glossed finish and have 'a radical embossed design with all four of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles tearing through the steel!'


Now it does say on their site that it's for the U.S. / Canada location but the inside artwork shown is the UK/Euro one. So not entirely sure if all will be the same......