The Mummy Trilogy (Blu-ray SteelBook) (EverythingBlu - BluPick Series #002) [UK]


Contributor Steels/Arrow
Premium Supporter
Sep 10, 2012
Release date: August 25, 2017
Purchase link: EverythingBlu (Pre-order May 30 at 8 PM GMT)
Price: £48.99
Notes: Single steelbooks sold as a trilogy in a faux leather slipcase to hold all 3, design based on the “Book Of The Dead". Limited to only 680 units


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Announcement! Blu Pick Series 002: The Mummy Trilogy (not to be confused with the trilogy steelbook. This is for the single steelbooks sold as a trilogy)

EverythingBlu will be releasing The Mummy Trilogy (single SteelBooks) as our second release in the Blu Pick Series. Check out the details below:

• Limited to only 680 units worldwide
• Faux Leather Slipcase to hold all 3 SteelBooks, design based on the “Book Of The Dead”
• Embossing
• De-bossing
• Gold Foiling
• Gold foiled Numbering (Directly applied onto slipcase)
• Felt interior with 2x dividers - to stop the SteelBooks making contact with one another and causing damage

Price, Pre-order & Release details along with the artwork of the Faux Leather Slipcase will be revealed very soon.

Let us know what you think & thank you to everyone supporting EverythingBlu!
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@EverythingBlu will the faux leather slip required leather treatment like the Revenant Mantalab release?

We are actually finalising the texture of the material at the moment but it will be a high quality faux leather. We wouldn't like to compare our own product to anyone else's and will let the pictures speak for themselves once we are ready to post.

Thank you!
Really looking forward to receiving my Shaun Blubox and quite happy at the opportunity to buy the boxed trilogy of the Mummy. More than happy to support a British retailer, particularly if supporting your Blupick line will increase the possibility of more exclusives. Please keep up the good work.
the release for the Italian ones is coming up really soon, i will pre order if this is no pix soon i just will pass on this and get the Italian ones....
Yeah, I hope the pics and ording happen soon. i would rather have the chance to cancel the Italian ones before they ship.
Of course, it makes sense if you will eventually be removing the cellophane.
Even if you plan on keeping them sealed - some companies have very thin cellophane - and you could tear it if you are shelving them...So using the steelshells is a win-win.
(Except for the fact that they ain't cheap!:p)