'Ultrabooks'-next big thing or dead at the starting line?

not used one put i think for 2012 they will be very popular who doesnt love the Apple air macs and these ultra books are very simular design to them
Karl, I thought the same, seems to be a bit like a PC answer to Airs (I don't own an Apple), but by the looks/description, it could be...
It might be something for me, as I don't own any apples either ;) Not that I dislike Apple, not at all, I'm just much more familiar with PCs.
I am not too fond of laptops, I have a Macbook Pro at work and that's probably the most I ever use a laptop. Although to be honest, portability is something most users look for so a thin Windows machine might sell better than expected.
Ultrabook are lot more powerful machines than the Macbook Air for the same price. SSD in it. Still people who wants these kind of machines would still prefer the Macbook air, the operating system is more easier, no viruses to worry about (or even if there are some, they won't be able to crash the system)

And it still a kind of luxury to own an Apple than a PC :)
I think this is the next fad after netbooks. I could be wrong but if you have a regular laptop then the next step is a tablet (samsung, ipad, sony, etc...) not an ultrabook or at least for me anyways. I learnt that lesson the hard way with my sony p series that I overpaid for (my fault really) that barely gets used