Unbroken (Blu-ray SteelBook) (FilmArena Collection #87) [Czech Republic]


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Oct 22, 2011
Czech Republic
Release Date: November 15, 2017
Purchase links: FilmArena
Price: 899 CZK


un_wea_FAC.jpg un_wea_FAC_.jpg
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This was a pretty solid movie, not sure how many more times I would watch it. Artwork would be the decider for me on any steelbook release for this film.

I agree, this is one of those films you appreciate but not one that you watch over and over.
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The regular Steelbook is so uninspiring. It's almost all white with little actual pictures. Definitely a disappointment. I do hope FilmArena does a fancy edition to make it look a bit nicer.
I didn't see the movie yet, but I know it falls in my type of movies I Like...instant Steelbook Purchase

and of course I will get the Steelbook from the ''FilmArena Collection''

can't wait for this to be available !

FilmArena will do an awesome package and can't wait to see the ''Beautyshot'' of this exclusive Package.
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Not seen this title but after hearing reviews and reading the story it an instant purchase for me...
I hope this release is still moving forward under the Film Arena Collection banner, with full slip, lenticular card and everything. :)

And that hopefully carllenc will host a GB for it. :emb:

Because June 10 is looming and there hasn't been much movement on this release.