What was your first SteelBook™?


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Jan 29, 2011
]Hi, just for fun what is the first metal or Steelbook you bought and how much.

Pics would be a plus


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I was given a small box of steelbooks by a friend. A couple great steels that I terribly regret selling (he gave them to me with the intention of me selling). Best Buy's Nightmare Before Christmas and Wall-E specifically. I still have Ratatouille though, proudly on my shelf and not a glimmer in my eBay history.

My first purchase was The Dark Knight and Batman Begins for $5 each (they were on sale at $9.99 and they were doing a T&S)
Hi. Been lurking here for a while and thought this was a good place to make my first post.
I only switched to Blus from DVD in March so have a very small collection. First blu and indeed first steelbook I bought was Evil Dead (original). One of my favourite films of all time so you can imagine how glad I am that I joined here just in time to get a heads up on the Army of Darkness steel!
Hangover Trilogy from eBay for £13.99.

I saw it by chance and thought it looked cool. There and then I became a Steelbook collector.

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