[WINNER ANNOUNCED - NINJA WEEK 2013 GIVEAWAY] Win a steelbook of your choice!

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Premium Supporter
Feb 28, 2011

As part of Ninja Week 2013, we're giving one lucky winner the chance to choose a steelbook from Amazon.de (€17 or less) as their prize.

How to enter:
All you have to do is tell us which steelbook you'd choose if you won and why you chose it.

The winner:
A winner will be picked on Friday using the random number generator.

Good luck to everyone who enters, and Happy Ninja Week! :ninja:

this is a hard choice, I am torn between Serenity, Toy Story 2, or Rare Exports. :eek:

If I had to choose I might actually flip a coin

thanks for the giveaway
I would choose Contraband because I haven't seen the movie yet and the debossing on the Steelbook looks cool!
I'd choose "E.T." because I collect Steelbooks, I don't have the movie in Blu-ray yet, and I think it's time my two little daughters watch it... and this german edition is the only Steelbook with italian audio :)
I'm planning on building a Tarantino collection, so I'd choose Kill Bill 1&2.
i would choose willow because its one of my all time favourite movies which i dont own on blu ray
i would pick kill bill 1&2 its a steelie ive wanted for a while but i keep getting side tracked with the UK new releases so have no spare moolah left over
Inglourious basterds - to build My coming tarantino collection.
And that It's an awesome movie and steelbook
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil..Been wanting it for awhile, just haven't pulled the trigger yet :(
Thanks for an awesome giveaway!!
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