[WINNER CHOSEN] [Ninja Week '15 Give-away] Robocop Futurepak

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010

Contest ends on March 1, 2015

Looking to win this futurepak? Simply answer this question below!

What technology exists that most people probably don't know about & would totally blow their minds?
Well.. the technology for "beaming" particles already exists, even though in a very very very very small range - but it's there! :)

Thanks for the giveaway!
Exactly I'm sure that technology somewhere exist. :naughty:

Thanks for the great giveaway!
There is so much alien tech out there. best one is the White stick the Greys and Whites use on humans to stop us remembering this happening to us. Just like the men in black movies
cheers bud
Hologram exists since 1971, invented by The Hungarian-British physicist Dennis Gabor, Nobel Prize of Physics in 1971 for his invention and development of the holographic method.
You have a technology on your car that show the direction you're gonna go.

thanks for the give away :)
Thanks for this!
I'm going to say communication with Aliens, because you know we've been chatting with them for centuries now! ;)
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