[WINNER CHOSEN] The Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2 Future Shop Exclusive !!

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Video games & Steelbook
Premium Supporter
Jan 31, 2013
To Celebrate our friend Spider-man arriving in the Avengers and this awesome week. I want to give away The Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2 Future Shop Exclusive Steelbook


To Win !
1) Thank this post
2) Respond in the comment : Who in the Avengers gonna punch spider-man in the face first ?
3) (Optional): Thank all my collection in me signature below and the winner will have a great surprise in the parcel

One entry per person
The winner will be annnonce March 1st with a random generator !

Have fun :)

Winner @Leshita !
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I think iron man because spidey will be young and cocky and that might just p*ss tony off

Thanks for the giveaway
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1) Done

2) Black Widow, because: spidey got too frisky with her when he realized that Mary Jane was out of town ;)

3) Done

Thanks for the giveaway :thumbs:
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I expect Rogers or Stark to hit Spidey first, but it would be fun if it was Bruce Banner out of nowhere, and everyone would just be like "What the hell did just happen?" :D

Thanked all your collections. Thank you for the giveaway!
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Thanks for an awesome giveaway mate!!!

I think Natasha would punch spidy first because He would try to get too sentimental for no reason. :lol:
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