[WINNERS CHOSEN] [Ninja week '15 Give-away] One free ticket to a future group buy

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010

hi fellow Ninjas! Here are the rules of this prize package.

1) the group buy must be hosted by me
2) thread to be posted after ninja week (no current threads apply)
3) you must redeem within 3 months of ninja week
4) shipping is paid by you
5) the max item cost would be $45

TWO (2) winners will be chosen, regardless of location.

That's it, let's get to the question.

Frugal ninjas, what is the one tip you would give people to quickly and easily start spending less money?

WINNERS - @fleurgasm and @bloodsnake007
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Pay your bills! Then if there's any money left budget and prioritize the editions you want. It helps to ask questions in the forums if you're not familiar with the price dropping trends. Awesome giveaway AP! Thank you.
Do not splurge on Zavvi steelbooks preorder even if it is limited. It will usually come back in stock at a bargain basement price. Learned this the hard way many many times.

Thanks. :)
Great Giveaway! Cheers!

Mine would be to stop trying to buy every steelbook. At the end of the day they just take up space, buying the ones you really like is the key...or sweet artwork. Ah who am i kidding, get a second job! Third! Buy more!
Thanks for the giveaway!

"You will not become rich by the money you earn but by the money you do not spend"
It works :thumbs:
Thanks for the giveaway.

One tip I would give to spend less money is to use the little things to save a bit on the things you really want. Always look for a coupon code, always use a credit card with cashback or some sort of Air Miles or reward system (of course pay it off right away then). 1% cashback here and 5% off there, it all adds up.
Have rules and stick by them. For example I eliminated buying food at the movie theater; it isn't healthy, doesn't impact my enjoyment of the movie, and is expensive. I save around $75 ($15 on food/movie x average 5 movies) per month just by doing this one easy thing
Buy the best version of a steelbook as sometimes there can be many variants. Be patient with the price, dont just buy at high price...sometimes better deals come down the line and u just need to keep eyes open.

Thanks for the giveaway
Thanks for the giveaway!

Budget yourself to what you truly want steelbook wise and stick to it.

Or get into pinterest and do everything yourself instead of paying for it. Nailed it!

Definitely budget yourself and stick to it. This adds up quickly and before you know it you'll have spent way more than your budget allows.

Thanks for the giveaway!
Spend less money by coming to purchase your steelbooks here and not on "the place that goes unsaid"...e *cough* bay!
Great giveaway and question..some good info in this thread lol
I'd say the best way to save money would be to sit down and really look at what you're spending and figure out where you can cut down on buying to save money
Bundle Your group buy buys, or don't double dip on all titles....only pick one or 2 favorites
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