X-Men: Days of Future Past (3D+2D Blu-ray SteelBook) (KimchiDVD Collection #01) [Korea]

Choi Chungkwon

Premium Supporter
Jan 28, 2013
South Korea
Release date: October 10, 2014
Purchase link: Kimchi
Price: $42.99


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I don't know man ..
I got my order in at 13 secs and got #384 and that's without worrying about customs.
I'm guessing you would've need <10 secs to get into the top 100 for first come first serve.

I got a fairly low number (049) but I took at least a few minutes. I probably had the item in my cart in less than 5 seconds after Go Live time, but checkout took a few minutes as I mistakenly chose Credit Card as the payment option (had to input a few digits). There is no way that I was the 49th person to checkout. So I would accept the "theory of randomness" on this release, for my case anyway. With such a limited print run, I'm just happy I got one.
What is Kimchi's after sales service like? I've emailed Tony explaining my lenti is badly scratched. He replied by saying to send him some pics, which I did but have yet to receive a reply from him and that was over a week ago!
That's a shame, do you think they didn't notice it, or they did and didn't want to spend the money to redo them? This is more noticeable than Plain Archive's I Saw the Devil margin error, yet they still redid them.

Plain is building some real credibility with the decision to recall the margin error PET slips. They can't afford bad word of mouth and don't want to be in 2nd place.
As KimchiDVD already has a huge following, maybe they didn't feel the need to cause a huge delay, reprint all the Lenti's & Slips, and lose their entire profit margin.

The difference is, the Lenti was the whole DOFP line-up, and the PET slip was only one variation our of 4 in an entire lineup.

At the end of the day, it's a hard decision to make. The brilliance of the Lenti kind of make up for the flaw IMO. #Grail
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