XboxONE Xbox One - Main discussion thread


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Aug 23, 2010
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8 CPU cores at 1.6GHz, with a custom 800MHz graphics processor in the GPU. There are 8GB of RAM on board, with 32MB of fast embedded SRAM at double the throughput speed, and a 50GB-capable 6x Blu-ray drive. Wireless connectivity protocols include both Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Direct, and there’s still a Gigabit Ethernet port for gamers with low latency multiplayer demands. It’ll also come with USB 3.0 and HDMI 1.4a, which supports 3D over HDMI, Ethernet, audio return channels and 4K resolution.​



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OK, so I have a brand new one. I bought a cool charger station that came with rechargable batteries, but I have no Idea what else I need to start charging them. Also what is that long slim box for. I love how it came with no directions. My first game also came with no instructions. Love trying to figure everything out.:mad:
If it's anything like the PlayStation charging station, then you just connect it to your console using the cable and the controllers should charge once placed on the station (obviously make sure your batteries are in the controllers first). I'm not sure if that's what you were asking, but I'm sure someone will correct me if not.

Long slim box? Do you mean this thing...

That's the Kinect camera, which you can choose to use or not. Despite what Microsoft says, it doesn't add any significant features to the XBone or any of it's games. Seeing as it's new, i'll advise you to sell it. You should be able to get at least enough cash or credit for at least a new game.

As for instructions or general help with games and devices...Google is your friend. Google answers most, if not all of my questions by doing a little bit of research, and i have some seriously wacky, random questions at times. :D
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I know its all personal preference, but i enjoy having the Kinect.
There is something about walking into the room and saying "Xbox On" and it all turning on that makes the console feel next gen to me.

I actually use voice commands A LOT and never had too many problems.

"Xbox Pause / Play" I probably use the most (when watching movies)...
...and "Xbox Turn Off" cause im often too lazy to find the remote. haha

For gaming... I'll probably never use it. I was never much of a wii guy, and motion controls just seem weird.

So @Ricker , don't get rid of it just yet. Try it out and see if its something you'll use. It's not required, but you might like it.
Yep, there's also something about having everything you say and do recorded by (and sent to) Microsoft under the "more accurate advertising" label of what normal people call "Privacy Infringement". Kinect is useless for gaming, movie watching, music listening, web surfing and pretty much everything else Microsoft spoke ever so bold and highly about, back when it was first announced...and really the XBone can be turned on and off by holding the biggest button on the wireless controller. Besides, XBone sales doubled after Microsoft finally decided to sell it without the Kinect device in the box. That alone should tell you all you need to know.
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Yep, there's also something about having everything you say and do recorded by (and sent to) Microsoft under the "more accurate advertising" label of what normal people call "Privacy Infringement". Kinect is useless for gaming, movie watching, music listening, web surfing and pretty much everything else Microsoft spoke ever so bold and highly about, back when it was first announced...and really the XBone can be turned on and off by holding the biggest button on the wireless controller. Besides, XBone sales doubled after Microsoft finally decided to sell it without the Kinect device in the box. That alone should tell you all you need to know.


Most of stuff you said isn't true ,man, and you scarring this guy who obviously knows nothing about the Xbox.He didn't even know what the Kinect was.

First of all the the kinect isn't some CIA,FBI or government spying machine watching you masturbate.What kind of data would Xbox gain by watching you in your home?They have no need to big brother their consumers.The only real use for the kinect was the motion tracking for games and the Xbox one's idea for how they wanted the user interface to work.The idea or the kinect didn't go over well so they changed it.Also they own Skype and Skype calling was a major selling point .

Secondly, the kinect isn't completely useless.The camera has state of the art tech for facial recognition and skeletal scanning.They are using it at the boarder and in the service.The tech may not be all that useful to gamers( who will buy a lesser camera such as the ps camera and not complain), but it has it's uses.With a lot of games using the face scan, i think the kinect will finally get some use.And lots of people still use their kinect to navigate and snap on their Xbox.
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Most of stuff you said isn't true ,man, and you scarring this guy who obviously knows nothing about the Xbox.He didn't even know what the Kinect was.

First of all the the kinect isn't some CIA,FBI or government spying machine watching you masturbate.What kind of data would Xbox gain by watching you in your home?They have no need to big brother their consumers.The only real use for the kinect was the motion tracking for games and the Xbox one's idea for how they wanted the user interface to work.The idea or the kinect didn't go over well so they changed it.Also they own Skype and Skype calling was a major selling point .

Secondly, the kinect isn't completely useless.The camera has state of the art tech for facial recognition and skeletal scanning.They are using it at the boarder and in the service.The tech may not be all that useful to gamers( who will buy a lesser camera such as the ps camera and not complain), but it has it's uses.With a lot of games using the face scan, i think the kinect will finally get some use.And lots of people still use their kinect to navigate and snap on their Xbox.
Gotta admit, you're a funny fella. None of this really means anything, however. Seeing how Microsoft's "policies" did a 180 degree turn on just about EVERYTHING they first announced (including Kinect's privacy invasion, whether you like to think so or not) due to gamer / consumer utter disgust and backlash...and again, sales doubling as soon as they decided to release the XBone without this bogus shows you exactly how most people feel about it.

Yes, one of Kinect's "features" is motion tracking. Another is facial recognition. Another is "listening" for certain commands. However, the device is, in fact, ALWAYS listening. The XBone might be off, but for the Kinect to pick up a voice command, it has to be listening. That's not opinion, it's an undeniable fact. Now, i don't believe Microsoft has "reason" to actively listen to our conversations...but the point is; they sure as hell could, and that's the issue. Ricker can decide for himself what he wants, but my point (and thereby my advice) still stands.

As for you and your cute little meme...i shouldn't have graced your silly post with this response, but i respect you as a forum member, so i did. I do suggest you try to refrain from going down this immature and unnecessarily provocative internet troll road the next time someone attempts to have a discussion with you.
Gotta admit, you're a funny fella. None of this really means anything, however. Seeing how Microsoft's "policies" did a 180 degree turn on just about EVERYTHING they first announced (including Kinect's privacy invasion, whether you like to think so or not) due to gamer / consumer utter disgust and backlash...and again, sales doubling as soon as they decided to release the XBone without this bogus shows you exactly how most people feel about it.

Yes, one of Kinect's "features" is motion tracking. Another is facial recognition. Another is "listening" for certain commands. However, the device is, in fact, ALWAYS listening. The XBone might be off, but for the Kinect to pick up a voice command, it has to be listening. That's not opinion, it's an undeniable fact. Now, i don't believe Microsoft has "reason" to actively listen to our conversations...but the point is; they sure as hell could, and that's the issue. Ricker can decide for himself what he wants, but my point (and thereby my advice) still stands.

As for you and your cute little meme...i shouldn't have graced your silly post with this response, but i respect you as a forum member, so i did. I do suggest you try to refrain from going down this immature and unnecessarily provocative internet troll road the next time someone attempts to have a discussion with you.

I've never been called a troll before.I've seen others being painted as such, but never myself.I only made the post because you came off very "salty" about the Xbox one when the Xbox one is as good as the Ps4 is.It may have had it's issues before and at launch, but 90 percent of those problems have been removed.I just felt like you were, in a way,Making this guy feel like his Xbox one was going to turn into a transformer and arrest him for doing something in his home.It's a console with a camera.the PS has a camera and it functions in a similar way ,so there is nothing to fear with owning a kinect.

If you seen any of my post you would know i don't take these games so serious as to try and bash someone for their opinions( the meme isn't even serious, it's freakin Kat Williams for god sake). I just feel each console should get their fare shake.
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Guys, we appreciate that you're giving your honest feedback and discussing your thoughts on the matter with eachother, but please remember to stay friendly and on topic. Thanks! :)
Microsoft are giving the Xbox One a temporary price cut in the US for the holiday season!

Starting Nov. 2 all Xbox One bundles and consoles will be $50 cheaper, meaning that a Kinect-free console will cost $349 and bundles will range from $349 to $449.


"We want this to be an unforgettable holiday season for Xbox fans around the world," said Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox. "Only on Xbox One can you play some of the most anticipated exclusives, newest blockbuster franchises and innovative independent games of the year. We're pleased to start the season off early with an incredible portfolio that includes millions of hours of fun for gamers and their friends."

The deal will be available nationwide at most major retailers in the US. There is currently no word on Microsoft introducing a temporary price cut in other regions.

See here for full details.
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so yeah, XB1 is super sick. I've fallen in love with all of it's non-gaming capabilities. The games don't look too bad either.

I'd kind of like to get a kinect to unlock it's full potential, but really don't want to drop that much money on a microphone. What would be awesome is if MS introduced a controller with a built in microphone or have the console itself have a mic in it. I don't really have much use for the camera, but the voice stuff I could see using all the time.

and just an FYI, the Limited Edition White XB1 Console looks so sweet in person. Really happy I went with that model rather than the regular or CoD.
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From gamrconnect/

Microsoft to Stop Selling Original Kinect for Windows in 2015

Microsoft released the Xbox One Kinect for Windows in October of this year. They are still selling the Xbox 360 Kinect sensor for Windows, but has announced in a blog post they will stop selling it sometime in 2015. Microsoft has stopped producing more and when the current shipments runs out, that is it.

"The move to v2 marks the next stage in our journey toward more natural human computing," read the blog post. "The new sensor provides a host of new and improved features, including enhanced body tracking, greater depth fidelity, full 1080p high-definition video, new active infrared capabilities, and an expanded field of view. Likewise, SDK 2.0 offers scores of updates and enhancements, not the least of which is the ability to create and publish Kinect-enabled apps in the Windows Store."

"At the same time that we publicly released the v2 sensor and its SDK, we also announced the availability of the Kinect Adapter for Windows, which lets developers create Kinect for Windows applications by using a Kinect for Xbox One sensor. The response of the developer community to Kinect v2 has been tremendous: every day, we see amazing apps built on the capabilities of the new sensor and SDK, and since we released the public beta of SDK 2.0 in July, the community has been telling us that porting their original solutions over to v2 is smoother and faster than expected."
how the hell do you play a game you bought the disc for. I see nothing on the menu. why did they make it so difficult?
put the disc in and press 'A' while on the game icon. It'll be on your 'Home', the tile directly below 'My games & apps'.

X1 has a TON of great features, but they are kind of hard to find without the Kinect. It just takes a little getting used to.

Press the Xbox button on your controller twice to snap an app or DVR the last few seconds of your gameplay.
are you sure you bought a xbox? lol sorry, Rick.

There's a slot on the front of the console. Just put a disc up to it and it'll auto-insert.

Once you put a disc in for the first time it's going to take a few minutes to download.
Do they not make guide books for games anymore? I am playing Diablo III, and a lot of things are simulair to the other 2. I can't figure out some of the stuff