Your house is on fire. What do you save?


Woot woot woot!
Premium Supporter
Sep 17, 2012
Stoke-on-Trent, England
You are on your own in your house (your family are visiting relatives) and you wake up and realise your house in on fire. You only have time to save ONE material/prized posession. Be as selfish as you like. What do you save?

For me, it would be my 2TB external hard drive. If I'm going to be staying at my parents whilst my house is rebuilt, I'm going to need my movie collection and I'm buggered if I'm downloading them again!
True story this.....I'm a driving instructor by day & was on a lesson one morning, whilst waiting at some traffic lights I noticed smoke coming from a roof of a house up ahead. As we got near I could see some flames so I told my student to pull over. I ran out of the car & started banging on the door. Finally some guy had popped his head out of the upstairs window to see what the commotion was about. I shouted to him what was going on so he came down & let me in, I asked if there was anyone else in the house & he said yes, his friends who were asleep upstairs as they had all finished a night shift. I ran up & woke them up & got them out, as one of the guys was leaving his room I noticed he had a nice flat screen plasma TV. So I called him back & said it might get trashed by water damage from the fire I told him to unplug it, grabbed an end each & safely got it outside out of harms way! Damn that felt good, nothing worse than seeing good stuff getting damaged. I'm so glad I had my priorities right that day. :D
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our 2 dogs. wife (maybe depending the mood she's been in) :drool:

important papers, passes, etc.

my computer the main one ( have 4 )

etc ...
Well there are 4 of us. I would try to get my home theater out wife projector one of the kids receiver, other kid PS3 me speakers and family passports, and would probably take off for a week or 2 to Florida while it gets rebuilt.
There is no contest for me..its my best mate "scamp" my dog
House and all contents are insured with an extra $20,000 INSURANCE ON MY STEELS/BLU'S ect with bank holding in safe deposit box.These i can replace..
My best friend "NEVER" :thumbs:
Notify: family in house

Grab: computer/HDD, work calendar/notes (how I bill my time), wallet, phone, pugs, important family papers
My wife first, although i'm sure she'd be out of the house before i could even smell the smoke. Next, my guitars...and if there was still time, my computer and 500+ Blu-rays. If not all the Blu-rays, at least all the Korean imports i own.