[Give-Away] DEAD SNOW 2: RED VS. DEAD Blu-ray


Courtesy of Well Go USA, Hi-Def Ninja is giving away two free copies of the nazi zombie sequel, DEAD SNOW 2: RED VS. DEAD. Directed by HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS’ Tommy Wirkola, DEAD SNOW 2 is a direct continuation from where the first film ended.

To enter, simply reply below with what you favorite zombie flick is and why. Winners will be contacted via email at a later date.

Good luck!

Purchase DEAD SNOW 2 on Blu-ray today!


About the author

NINJA | Ken loves comics, video games, and film -- especially creature features and giant monster flicks. When he's not stalking the shadows as part of the Ninja Clan, he spends his time obsessively collecting ThunderCats, King Kong, and Pacific Rim memorabilia.