Gold Academy Award Slip Covers


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
For the longest these have been hit and miss in my stores. They also have a good amount of interest in slip cover collectors.

So.... This thread is for those looking for Gold Academy Awards and for those to report which ones are available in their area to assist others.

I got lucky and today scored the Inglourious Basterds :oohyeah: last one at one my stores.

Right now I can get my hands on only Training Day & Cinderella Man if anyone is looking for them.

UPDATE: Since this thread has quite a bit of discussion, I'm adding the master list to this Original Post.


American Gangster
An American In Paris
Apollo 13
Atonement Purchase Here.

Blind Side, The Purchase Here.

Brokeback Mountain
Cinderella Man
Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, The
Departed, The
Duchess, The
Eastern Promises
Gone With The Wind Purchase Here.

How The West Was Won
Hustle & Flow
L.A. Confidential Purchase Here

March Of The Penguins
Matrix, The Purchase Here.

Million Dollar Baby
Out of Africa (BD/DVD Flipper Disc)
Pan's Labyrinth
Pride And Prejudice Purchase Here.

There Will Be Blood Purchase Here.

Top Gun
Training Day
Untouchables, The
Wizard Of Oz Purchase Here.
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It was my bday code. Horhay had an extra one, dont know if anyone accepted it - but he offered it. You could PM him.
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OK. So next week we should have three new AA gold slipcovers. Lets see if any of the movie studios will surprise us with unannounced releases with AA gold slipcovers.
Question about gold slips and Amazon

If Amazon has a listing for a movie without a slip, but then has a second listing for the same movie with a gold slip for a different price, is it a sure thing that ordering the goldie version will actually get you the gold slip? Or is it just a system screw-up think where Amazon has the same product listed twice, whether or not it would ship with the slip?

I just don't trust Amazon when it comes to slips after I received a naked copy of Coraline from them at a point in time where you couldn't walk into a Best Buy without tripping over a pile of slip-covered Coralines.

Unless its the 3 recent gold releases ... they I say no, its just bad product image being shown.
Well I dont know which one you are talking about , but your more than welcome to PM me if you want kept quiet. But I ordered some from that showed gold and did not receive it. Had to return them. ie. Milk, brokeback and soemthing else I can no longer remember.

Also, on they show changeling gold which was never released in that Country ... they had diff slips for those ... so yeah, it happens unfortunately.
WBSHOP question. If I order the links with the gold slip pictures, will I get them? Or is it random?

You'll get it. All of mine came with slip, and I ordered like every single one you see on that site at some point except for Training Day.
OK, who was the wise guy bidding on ebay against me for there will be blood? Much props. $47. I am jealous.
Wow that was on there ... pretty rare. Wasnt me ... I wont be bidding on any, as I only need 1 more! (which I'll never get ;p)

I got lucky and got my TWBB from it showed a goldie so I ordered and got it ... then they pulled the goldie listing afterwards.