Iron Man (Blu-ray SteelBook) (Kimchidvd Exclusive #12) [Korea]

Choi Chungkwon

Premium Supporter
Jan 28, 2013
South Korea
Release date: December 5, 2014
Purchase links: Lenticular (SOLD OUT) - 1/4 Slip (SOLD OUT) (Pre-order on November 10 at 11 PM Korea time UTC+9. UK: 2 PM GMT / USA (east) 9 AM / USA (west) 6 AM ) Please use the following timezone converter to find out the time in your area
$42.90$ (after 3 days, $44.99)
Package detail:
2 discs
- Lenticular
- 1/4 slip
Print run: 3.7K
1850 for Oversea, 1850 for Local
Order Limit Qty:
Lenticular Edition : 2 per order
1/4 Slip : 1 per order

Paramount approved artwork




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1. Do we know what this looks like yet?

2. Do we know when it will go live?

There is nothing in the first post, so I assume no one knows yet? Thanks.
@frankfish I don't want to get off topic, but I would define a loyal customer as someone who has purchased from a company/brand multiple times. I agree it may not be the best method, but I think there has to be something better than what is offered now, or at least an alternative. If Kimchi's site resembled Plain Archives, I would not have anything to say. I love Kimchi, I think their releases are so unique! Maybe a VIP system would not work for the Kimchi brand- I'm not the one to decide. All I know is that I would like to see a better experience implemented. I know this may no longer be an option, but I loved the GB's that were done for Frozen! Though in all fairness it did take a lot of time and effort from a lot of people, which may not be a plausible reoccurrence. Regardless, I will do everything I can to continue my support for Kimchi and their releases!

This being a marquee title, it is always going to be in high demand. Whilst the experience on their website is painful during pre orders of highly coveted titles, no one is immune from it. GBs are not the answer either as they make the experience even worse due to a reduction of the quantity available. There has always been an element of luck when ordering. While VIP works when ordering from a third party or intermediary, it wouldn't be good for a direct retailer unless their customer base is very limited.
Anyway, for this I'd like to see a nice 1/4 slip only. No need for multiple options like fullslip and lenticular......Let the steelbook shine