Kit Bashing - Custom Figures


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Anyone on these forums do this? Or have done this? Or just own some custom ones?
Haha guess not ... well I will post my work as I update my customs :)

Here is my Denzel head for Eli in "Book of Eli" ... custom cast head.


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I don't understand what "kit bashing" is.

From what I understand - you take a collectible figure, costume, or whatever, to make a custom one to fit the thing you want to make.

So it looks like Wreck has got the body / costume put together for his Book of Eli figure, and then got a head sculpt from e-bay or wherever to finish it.

People will make figures from their favorite TV shows, movies, etc - ones that might not have a following to get an official Hot Toys figure, etc made.

I've seen a bunch of folks that are very into creating the characters from Firefly.

One that is AWESOMELY badass is a custom Nomak figure from Blade II.


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That Blade is bad ass, inspires me to make one hahahaaha. I'm still working on getting all the clothing for Eli ... lots of stuff has to be custom made. I've been working on the green jacket, but need to do some sewing (ughhhhhhh)
OK, geekdome heading to levels I am uncomfortable with, hahaha.

just kidding. it's all pretty cool but nothing I would attempt. My artistic abilities end with macaroni, sparkles and glue.
Here's my work thus far on Al Pacino from HEAT


Ive got a bullet proof vest and assault rifle on order ... also had the tie but didnt have it on.
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Going to get these boots for my current work in progress...that shall remain a secret project for now... :naughty:

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Oh man my Pacino has changed greatly since last pic ... he looks awesome! I painted the Res Dogs stand too btw. (black)
I have several figures that have been in the "que" for a while now. I have spare bodies on my shelf as well as un-painted head sculpts. Just a time consuming process that I have been putting off for a bit now. Definitely need to get finished with them.

~~Wreck, where did you get that Book of Eli sculpt?? I have the same one that I got from another forum group buy.
I have several figures that have been in the "que" for a while now. I have spare bodies on my shelf as well as un-painted head sculpts. Just a time consuming process that I have been putting off for a bit now. Definitely need to get finished with them.

~~Wreck, where did you get that Book of Eli sculpt?? I have the same one that I got from another forum group buy.

I think the same guy has an e-bay account where he sells some left over sculpts.
Here's a quick snap on my Selene figure, WIP, for sure.

Been piecing a bunch of stuff together. Two pistol hands (female), TT body, HK toys pistols / guns, & a female leather catsuit. The boots are a custom job, they look pretty slick in person.

I have gun holsters and a trench coat coming and I'm working on the guantlets, corset and an awesome head sculpt from a guy that's been working on it here and there.

Also have to paint the pistols silver on the top as well and pretty up the display stand. Lots still to do... :naughty:

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