Robocop (2014) - In theaters February 7, 2014


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May 3, 2011
From IMDB:
In RoboCop, the year is 2029 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the center of robot technology. Their drones are winning American wars around the globe and now they want to bring this technology to the home front. Alex Murphy is a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit. After he is critically injured in the line of duty, OmniCorp utilizes their remarkable science of robotics to save Alex’s life. He returns to the streets of his beloved city with amazing new abilities, but with issues a regular man has never had to face before.
With Joel Kinnaman, Samuel L. Jackson & Gary Oldman

Trailer 2:

Trailer 1:


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From EmpireOnline:
We’re now at the stage where the MGM-powered remake of Robocop is ploughing ahead in the casting process and has scored a big name in the shape of Gary Oldman.

The actor (and Jameson Empire Award winner) will be seen on screen this summer helping another iconic hero in The Dark Knight Rises, and now he’s signed on to play Norton, a scientist who takes the battered, bullet-ridden, all-but-dead body of police officer Alex Murphy (Joel Kinnaman) and rebirths him as the cyborg future of law enforcement.
I don't normally give a crap about remakes, but I'm dead against this one. Sooooo not needed! Would rather see a proper sequel with Weller and Verhoeven
I don't normally give a crap about remakes, but I'm dead against this one. Sooooo not needed! Would rather see a proper sequel with Weller and Verhoeven

Totally agree with you here. If there's one film that doesn't need to be remade, then it's Robocop. I don't see what they could possibly add to the film that wasn't already brilliantly done in the original.

A 4th film starring Peter Weller and directed by Paul Verhoeven would be much better, imo. Still, I'll go watch it, because I'm a sucker for ED-209.
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Hugh Laurie is signed on to be the CEO of Omni-corp, with Ed Norton and Abbie Cornish

As much as I do not like remakes I am liking this cast. Unless they do something stupid and make him look more like a cyborg then straigght up robot.

At one point I hear Darren Arnofsky was set to direct

dun dun dun dun... dun... dun... dun...
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I just hope they have the guts to make it rated R. Not some silly PG-13 popcorn movie for kids.

It's interesting to see more Swedish actors in big Hollywood productions :)
From SSH:
In a viral campaign likely to expand during next week's Comic-Con, Columbia Pictures and MGM have revealed a first look at the robotic ED-209 design from their upcoming reboot of RoboCop. Based on the company from the film itself, the OmniCorp site features, along with the below video and image, the following mission statement:

For a half-century, these words have set the framework upon which OmniCorp has aimed to build a brighter world. We don't do passive technology. At OmniCorp, our solutions generate a beacon of safety that we shine upon on the dangers of the day. No matter the obstacle - political, cultural, philosophical - we pursue our convictions around the globe to secure peace of mind at home. And when this requires bold new direction, we never allow doubt to shrink our duty. When your quality of life is in the balance, our leadership team will tip the scales.

Our products have elevated your lives. Our people have inspired your future. Our passion will always be at your side.

Directed by Jose Padilha, RoboCop is about to enter production with a cast that includes Joel Kinnaman, Gary Oldman, Samuel L. Jackson and Hugh Laurie. It is currently targeting an August 9, 2013 release.

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