Rush (Blu-ray MetalPak) [Japan]


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Feb 14, 2013
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Price : 6264 Japanese Yen
Release Date : 4th August, 2014
Note: Limited to 4000



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something is weird though this movie is not big on Asian market as I've been told. Sometimes Amazon, will put it up a couple of days and remove it, still items can be in stock. This is a big amount 4000, not very limited, they usually take few weeks to sell(in such movie genre) it's not impossible, but my gut tells me this will come back live.

I wouldn't be surprised if It's already gone. Japan can't be placed in the "Asia market" bucket specially when we're talk about F1. They are fanatic about the sport. Besides this movie somehow is driven all collectors crazy.

I also found a Japanese blog, where the blogger would appear to be shocked by the apparent sell-out. Going from the translation, it seems that they posted about availability, then about ordering difficulties, and then about it still being available at Yodobashi, and then about three remaining copies at Rakuten. The posts are dated from April 8th, 2014 to April 14th, 2014.

Unless Google is mis-translating (which is entirely possible), it would appear that this release has indeed sold out.
Guys, this has apparently already sold out. It was available for a few days after it went up ... and since then it has been gone.

This is true, this has been on presale for 3 days and all 4000 copies sold out.

I thought I was watching everyday but apparently not or maybe right before thread when up I don't know. All I know Ninjas is that we have some training to do !

Could tell a funny story but won't :(

Is this restricted to one per account?

Ok ok...are you sitting comfortably...then I will begin!
A few nights ago myself and Hub were discussing things on messenger, as you do. Talking about cats, and dogs and of course steels. Sending each other links for things on Ebay etc etc. One link I recieved was titled "GOOOOOOOOOO"!
Well I opened it and to my shock was RUSH JAPAN AVAILABLE!!!
Well, no time to think really...just acted out of pure instinct. With 2 clicks I ordered it without thinking! Then I thought ****...I haven't added GIFT. Oh no, it's going to come in pieces!!!! I then went back to messenger thinking...oh well I got one in the bag. So how did Hub do? Did he add gift option??? Well, to my surprise and shock...he wasn't quick enough to buy!!! There was only one copy!!! I didn't believe it. Hub had sent me the link of something that he wanted to buy BEFORE he bought it!!!!
After about an hour of laughter, I started to have pangs of mild guilt come over me. I think we will end up sharing it sending it back and forth from Spain to the UK each month. JOINT OWNERSHIP of a steel. Could be a new concept. And for HUB...that's seriously is an ANGEL in disguise...even if his brain had stopped working!!! :drool:
Cool story but it doesn't help me get a copy... :naughty: :hilarious:

Think I'm gonna have to trade something special for this cos I am not paying £65+ for it despite it being the only one I don't have / have on order!
Congrats max , great catch
Not happy to purchase off a third party from japan sadly bad enough having to deal with amazon jp packaging ! Hopefully one will come along

---------- Post added at 09:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:08 PM ----------

Finally, ordered :LOL:

Oh good, glad to hear a MORE than deserving ninja was able to grab one of these. Think this is instantly going to be shot to the top of the list of most difficult to find metalpaks/Futurepaks along with Volt.
It's a good thing I signed up to that Amazon notification email because they're doing a great job of NOT notifying me. Man, I can't believe I missed this again! :(

I signed up for the same thing and I still have yet to receive one. I think they're going back up and selling too quickly to get to the notification email. This is the fourth time (that I've seen) that it's gone back up for sale and I've never received an email.