What films should get the Criterion treatment?


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Apr 12, 2009
Criterion Blu-Ray Wishlist(Your Picks!)

What films would you like to see get the Blu-Ray treatment from Criterion?


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Love to see Scorsese's 3 big ones: Taxi Driver, Raging Bull and Goodfellas. Like to see Ikiru as well and PTA's There Will be Blood.
It would have to be "This Island Earth" for me, trouble is it's such a little known film, that I doubt it will never even see the light of day on blu-ray. :(
I'd love for them to do Gaspar Noe's "Irreversible," as it somehow doesn't have a blu-ray release anywhere in the world. Tartan UK's Collector's Edition is the only one with a commentary.

For that matter, I'd like "Enter the Void" to get the Criterion treatment. The US BD is fine, but I'm sure they'd get some worthy features to go with it.
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Sunset Blvd. (1950)
Rebecca (1940) (Blu-ray)
Bicycle Thieves (1948) (Blu-ray)
City Lights (1931)
Dial M for Murder (1954)
Roman Holiday (1953)
King Kong (1933)
Satoshi Kon's films. They get so little love outside of Japan. Perfect Blue got a decent blu ray in the UK but it's still only got the extras from some of the previous releases. Tokyo Godfathers is controlled by Sony and they can't be bothered to follow up their JPN release with one over here. DreamWorks had Millennium Actress and did nothing with it.

Plus I'd like a real, solid expert to do commentary tracks for them. Not voice actors, not producers but someone who can explain it or offer an interpretation of what's going on.

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one of the most expensive criterions sid & nancy,still fetch anywhere betwean £50-£65 on ebay.

picked this & Straw dogs up when published but as with most criterions when the license expires they go out of print in no time

would like to see Moonrise Kingdom & the Grand Budapest Hotel as criterions-just to have a complete set of Wes Anderson films:thumbs: