What if...? The Plain Archive wish list

Jan 19, 2013
London, UK
Hi-as most of the people on here have the rather excellent Wrestler-PA steelbook I was wondering what titles people would like to see PA create next?

let's start;

-The Fountain
-Black Swan
-Brotherhood of the Wolf

let me know (in theory) what title you would like to see as a plain archive steel

agree-the slipcase should match the soundtrack (Scarletts rear end)-wraparound (why not put the soundtrack in the steelbook as well)

Soundtrack would be awesome!
I really don't understand why there are no Special Releases of this film. I think there was a DVD Steelbook in Spain (with the usual Bill Murray on bed art) and that's it.
The film is visually stunning, so there should be a lot of great artwork options.
Since the series is truly magnificent, i would like to see what Plain Archive can come up with ''design-wise'' for:

- Hannibal (Season 1 and 2 combined)

And other movies like these...
- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Candy (Heath and Abbie's finest roll yet)
- Gladiator
- Lost in Translation
- A Beautiful Mind
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Schindler's List
- FightClub
- Se7en
- Requiem for a Dream
- Her
- Donnie Darko
- No Country for old men
- The Big Lebowski
- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
- Bladerunner
- L.A. Confidential
- A Bittersweet Life
- Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter and Spring
- American Beauty
- Intouchables (the french version for g*d sakes!
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Noticed that Plain Archive just followed Duncan Jones on twitter...could that mean a 'Moon' full slip steelbook could be in the pipeline? :drool: Could be the best edition ever.

Empire magazine berated the academy for not recognising duncan Jones & Sam rockwell for Moon-this is an absolute gem!!!
Moon would be a great Plain Archive release a brilliant film & performance from Sam Rockwell. Duncan Jones had a really small budget for this film yet it looks stunning also the soundtrack is brilliant.
Overall this would make a great Plain Archive release.
Moon would be a great Plain Archive release a brilliant film & performance from Sam Rockwell. Duncan Jones had a really small budget for this film yet it looks stunning also the soundtrack is brilliant.
Overall this would make a great Plain Archive release.

Would certainly trade in my amaray for a PA moon steel:scat:

---------- Post added at 11:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 AM ----------

guys & gals-there are some very talented people on this forum-if possible,please post any mock-ups for titles discussed on here. Would be interested to see some artwork!
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could you imagine if Plain Archive did Life of Pi, that would be an absolute masterpiece! Doesn't even have to be a steelbook, just the whole package would be incredible visually to match the movie