What was your first SteelBook™?


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Jan 29, 2011
]Hi, just for fun what is the first metal or Steelbook you bought and how much.

Pics would be a plus


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My first steelbook was years ago which was Casshern dvd. My first blu ray steelbook was Terminator 2, I bought it about 6 months before I had a blu ray player, I had to get it as its one of the greatest films ever made. I pre odered it knowing it would sell out. :D
I can't remember what my first DVD Steelbook was, but my first Blu-ray Steelbook was Kill Bill, vols. 1 and 2, France. Can't remember the cost offhand, but very good looking steels.
My first was the Highlander Steelbook. I'm still not "hooked", but I do manage to look for a Steelbook for movies that I actually like enough to spend $$$ If there's a good looking Steelbook for it I'll buy it regardless of the price.
My first DVD Steelbook was V For Vendetta (NL). Paid 20 euros for it.
My first Blu-ray Steelbook was Terminator 2 (Skynet Edition, NL). Paid 25 euros for it.

And now I've got 80 DVD Steelbooks and 148 Blu-ray Steelbooks :rolleyes:
First dvd steelbook was texas chainsaw massacre 1973 original (dark sky release), First blu ray steelbook was star trek play.com release or Sweeney todd play.com. Now clocking in at 100 blu ray steelbooks...... Will it ever end?