Blu Ray's final destination is 3D?
Blu Ray is like too good a thing that got here too soon, and is waiting out its turn in the checkout line. The checkout line in question being the point in history where Blu Ray gets its killer app and explodes onto the scene in a way it still hasn’t. Right now, it’s more of growing on people than filling their living rooms with the blinding light of pure awesomeness, though we know it can. All it needs is that killer app.
There’s a lot of contenders to that position right now. Industries are ramping up what games can do, what movies look like, and what everything sounds like. but what really will make Blu Ray happen are innovations, and there’s some activity on that front, if Panasonic’s latest is anything to go by.
Its a 50-inch plasma TV. Yawn. That does 3D. Yaaaw..Uh, what?
Panasonic has unveiled an in-the-works HDTV that’ll give bring experiences like The Final Destination 3D to the home theater market like never before. Also in the offing is a 3D package from Sony, and though both won’t go commercial until next year, this could just the shot in the Blu Ray arm.
The library of 3D content is small, but growing – with 2D ticket sales remaining stagnant, Hollywood has definitely stepped on the gas with 3D content, which seems to bring better footfalls into theaters. By 2009, there will be 7000 3D screens, according to Sony sources.
For the complete home 3D experience, you’re obviously looking at a 3D TV, those fancy 3D glasses, and some sort of Blu Ray player, though movie studios and 3D screen promoters are yet to discuss on this. There would be some premium to the price, at least in the beginning, though both Panasonic and Sony are yet to reveal prices. Panasonic’s 3D TV will come with the glasses, they say, but theres a problem with the word ‘glasses’; you have no clue if it’s one pair or several. Depending on what the glasses cost, and how many people in a home are interested in the 3D experience, companies will need to include more glasses, and hence, revise any price they’re thinking of right now.
But let’s be optimistic. Expecting a fall in 3D TV prices soon after introduction, and glasses that don’t cost a bomb themselves – both 3D and Blu Ray could have something to hope for. Besides, neither need just movies to survive. Like I said before, gaming could also provide the much-needed boost. You bet Sony’s already building 3D into the back-with-a-vengeance PS3, and with that knowledge, we may be gleefully assured that the XBox and the Wii are also ready to go 3D.
We’ve talked about the moment of truth for Blu Ray, and how simply better visual and sound quality is not going to help Blu Ray achieve a widespread presence, much less replace the DVD. Broadband connections and online streaming services can barely handle high-def content for now. Let’s hope Blu Ray-enabled 3D TV gets here much before broadband cnnections can dream of handling heavy 3D data, hm?
The final destination will be the only film in the searious. I'll be picking up:) I'll have to save my money for the 3D specks and DBox seating. So much, work hard!