Sony Home Entertainment has announced “Easy A” for Blu-ray release on December 21. Emma Stone stars as Olive, an innocent young woman that tells a little lie about losing her virginity. After the news spreads across the school she decides to take matters into her own hands; to advance her social and financial standing she fashions a new identity for herself by modeling her new personality on Hester Prynne, the main character in “The Scarlett Letter.” Check below for a list of supplements:
- Commentary with Director Will Gluck and Emma Stone
- Gag Reel
- Emma Stone’s Audition Footage
- movieIQ®+sync and BD-Live connect you to real-time information on the cast, music, trivia and more while watching the movie
- Extra Credit: Pop-Up Trivia Track
- The Making of Easy A
- The School of Pop Culture: Movies of the Eighties
- Vocabulary of Hilarity