Production house Warner Brothers is set to launch its new movie ‘Dark Shadows’ which is estimated to hit the floor in the month of April. There are rumors that Michelle Pfeiffer may be roped for the character of Elizabeth Collins who is mysterious and always remains in her mansion. If the talks turn around and Michelle catches up in the movie, she will be the next actor to be the part of the movie. The movie belongs to the gothic genre and will trip you in the world of vampires.
The movie is adapted from a television series of the 60’s. The role of the vampire is already being bagged by Johny Depp and will portray the character of the dark and gloomy vampire. The film has often been discussed by Depp as one of his adventurous ventures and is looking forward to work in the movie. The other actors who are rumored to be a part of this gothic saga are Eva Green who has played the bond girl and Jackie Earle Halye who has been nominated for Little Children. Bella Hathcote, an Aussie new comer is also heard to be a part of this dark movie.
This will be the second occasion of Pfeiffer teaming up with the director of the movie Tim Burton. Both of them have ventured together in the action packed super-hero movie Batman Returns in the year 1992. The movie has been much in news since its announcement and seems to be eagerly awaited.