Rise of the Planet of the Apes Announced!

20th Century Fox has announced “Rise of the Planet of the Apes” for Blu-ray release on December 13th. James Franco stars as Will Rodman, a neuroscientist living in San Francisco trying to develop a cure for Alzheimer’s disease by testing on chimpanzees, giving them a human level of intelligence. The Blu-ray version of the film will also include a Digital Copy. Check below for a list of supplements.

Disc Features

  • Audio Commentary by Director Rupert Wyatt
  • Audio Commentary by Writers Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver
  • Pre-vis for The Future
  • Capturing Caesar – Script to Screen
  • Studying the Genius of Andy Serkis
  • Multi-Angle: Rocket Cookie Scene
  • A New Generation of Apes
  • Breaking Motion Capture Boundaries
  • Breaking New Sound Barriers: The Music and Sound Design of Rise of the Planet of the Apes
    1. Ape Facts
    2. Chimpanzee
    3. Gorilla
    4. Orangutan
  • Character Concept Art Gallery
  • Three Theatrical Trailers
  • Deleted Scenes
    1. Alpha Gets Shot
    2. Will’s Meeting with Lab Assistants
    3. Will Discovers Caesar Has Solved Puzzles
    4. Caesar Plays with Bicycle
    5. Caesar Questions His Identity
    6. Caesar Bites Off Neighbors Finger
    7. Will Ignores the Risks of an Airborne Mutated Virus
    8. Rodney Gives Caesar a Cookie
    9. Rocket Gets Hosed by Dodge
    10. Caesar Destroys the Lab and Koba’s Attempted Revenge on Jacobs
    11. Caesar Pushes Helicopter
    12. Koba with Shotgun
  • Digital Copy
