LUCY Blu-ray SteelBook coming to Target in January

The box office smash LUCY will release as a beautiful Blu-ray SteelBook on January 20th courtesy of Target. You can place your pre-order now for online shipping or alternatively, visit the store on release. LUCY tells a story a bit similar to LIMITLESS where a drug unlocks the full potential of the human brain. The always lovely and talented Scarlett Johansson stars as Lucy.

LUCY Blu-ray SteelBook Product Page

Lucy SteelBook Spread

Lucy SteelBook Spread

Check out our SteelBook forum where you can read about all the chatter on this particular release:

Official LUCY SteelBook Forum Thread


Gallery, click to enlarge!

About the author

NINJA | Ken loves comics, video games, and film -- especially creature features and giant monster flicks. When he's not stalking the shadows as part of the Ninja Clan, he spends his time obsessively collecting ThunderCats, King Kong, and Pacific Rim memorabilia.