KUNG FURY: Top 10 reasons why you should drop what you’re doing and watch it now!


I wish I would’ve known about KUNG FURY a lot sooner. The short film, a brainchild of writer/director David Sandberg, was funded through Kickstarter by a whooping 17,713 backers. Originally asking for $200,000, the KUNG FURY campaign went on to tally up over $630,000. That’s crazy! Of course, if I would’ve known about this beautiful recreation of ‘80s entertainment sooner, I would’ve pledged in a heartbeat (it sure would’ve been nice to own a Blu-ray copy).

The synopsis:

KUNG FURY is an over-the-top action comedy written and directed by David Sandberg. The movie features: arcade-robots, dinosaurs, nazis, vikings, norse gods, mutants and a super kung fu-cop called Kung Fury, all wrapped up in an 80s style action packed adventure.

Sounds amazing, right? Well, I just finished watching it, so if that synopsis hasn’t piqued your interest, here’s a Top 10 list to why you should definitely take a half-hour out of your day to check it out…

1) Enough explosions to make Michael Bay salivate.

2) The best side-scrolling action shot since the brilliant Chan-wook Park’s OLDBOY.

3) David Sandberg not only wrote and directed the short film, but he also stars as Kung Fury himself. He executes all roles perfectly.

4) Thor’s pecs.

5) The villain, Adolf Hitler (played by Jorma Taccone), is so over-the-top, he seems like he came straight out of an episode of SOUTH PARK.

6) The visual effects are actually really well-done. They have that clear-as-day green screen look to them and they’re not quite at the same caliber as something like SIN CITY, but for a semi-low-budget indie flick, they don’t come much better than that.

7) A perfect blend of action films, animated shows and video games from the 1980s. If you’re a child of the ’80s, you’ll feel like a kid again watching this.

8) Triceracop.

9) A wonderful cameo by a beloved ‘80s/‘90s star.


Yes, you read that last one correctly. In fact, I’ve simplified things for you by posting the film below. Enjoy!


KUNG FURY, written, directed by and starring Sandberg, was produced by Laser Unicorns and also stars Taccone, Steven Chew, Leopold Nilsson, Elini Young, Helene Ahison and Erik Hornquist/Frank Sanderson as Triceracop. For more on the film (including a shop where you can purchase an awesome-looking poster), head to KungFury.com!

About the author

NINJA | Ken loves comics, video games, and film -- especially creature features and giant monster flicks. When he's not stalking the shadows as part of the Ninja Clan, he spends his time obsessively collecting ThunderCats, King Kong, and Pacific Rim memorabilia.