[Give-Away] MONSTERS: DARK CONTINENT Blu-ray SteelBook


Tom Green directs this sequel to the 2010 film MONSTERS by Gareth Edwards. Ten years on, a group of American soldiers are dispatched to a newly arisen infected zone in the Middle East. But the army’s attempts to quarantine the area enrage the local population who are less than pleased with their interference. Whilst battling local insurgents and deadly giant sand creatures, Team Tiger Shark are tasked by veteran Sgt Noah Fraser (Johnny Harris) with rescuing four members of a lost platoon.

For your chance to win one of two Blu-ray SteelBooks, simply comment below with a reply to the following question:

What is your favourite ‘alien’ to have been shown on screen (Movie or TV) and why?

Giveaway is open to everyone, with two winners being picked at random. Giveaway ends Friday, 9th October at 1200GMT.

Order your copy now for only £14.99 from HMV.


About the author

SOCIAL MEDIA MANAGER | Matt is a huge movie fan with a big passion for all the 80s cheesy Action movies. Anything Arnold Schwarzenegger related is an instant hit too! Also a UK Blu-ray reviewer for Hi-Def Ninja and UK Editorial Manager.