Tom Green directs this sequel to the 2010 film MONSTERS by Gareth Edwards. Ten years on, a group of American soldiers are dispatched to a newly arisen infected zone in the Middle East. But the army’s attempts to quarantine the area enrage the local population who are less than pleased with their interference. Whilst battling local insurgents and deadly giant sand creatures, Team Tiger Shark are tasked by veteran Sgt Noah Fraser (Johnny Harris) with rescuing four members of a lost platoon.
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What is your favourite ‘alien’ to have been shown on screen (Movie or TV) and why?
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Paul because he was hilarious! (simon pegg)
The bacteria or virus from The Thing
The alien from the movie Alien has always been one of my favorites – one of the first movies I was ever scared of as a kid.
its got to be Superman, soo I guess Man of Steal was pretty dope. Or Justice League the tv show.
Probably Beldar Conehead. Those were some funny SNL skits of theirs. Plus their State Farm commercials are funny as well.
It’s got to be the Xenomorph from the Alien franchise – an unstopable killing machine.
My favorite alien is “Christopher Johnson” from the movie, ‘District 9’. Because he was friendly, and he helped Wikus van de Merwe in fighting MNU!
Easy choice, the Xenomorph from Alien. I don’t know if there’s anything more terrifying than that, not a huge monster but will tear you apart in seconds. H. R. Giger is a legend.
Alien or predator…it’s a coin flip.
Alien , since release in cinema is always a scary movie for me
Predator. Multiple reasons. Firstly he looks bad ass. He has that awesome camo and that kick ass wrist blade. He can mimic voices and has the manic shoulder cannon. Not to mention neon blood. That alone is amazing. “Want some candy?”
Predator is my choise here. I just freaking love those movies, “if it bleeds, we can kill it” just makes my hair on my body stand up. Action and ofc, arnold!
The Thing is my favorite alien film. Love the claustrophobic isolation of the characters and the alien can take any size or form..anybody can be the monster!
I’m going to go with The Thing. I’ve seen it about three times at Alamo within the last year and a half and each time I see it, it gets better and better. It’s keeps you guessing as to what’s going to happen and is so wonderfully shot!
predator, my favorite ahnold movie!
Chewbacca! Who wouldn’t want a partner in crime that’s furry and lovable?
Tough choice between Alien and The Thing. I’m going to have to go with The Thing since it has the capability to assimilate and imitate Alien. That gives it a cool edge.
the thing. it has no defined ‘real’ shape. it adapts and can be anyone, anywhere.
Stitch from Lilo & Stitch.
He such a moody brat for most of the film it’s hilarious.