ReedPop – the world’s leading producer of pop culture events – announced their 10th Annual Charity Art Auction taking place during New York Comic Con and MCM Comic Con’s Metaverse, which will benefit the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital a world leading Research Hospital for treating and curing childhood cancer and other life-threatening diseases.
Running from October 2 through October 11, fans and art enthusiasts alike can bid for the chance to own a piece of original art from over 150 creators, all for a good cause. Among this year’s participating creators are Mike Mignola, Jim Lee, Yoshitaka Amano, Frank Quietly, Doug Mahnke, and Kim Jung Gi. This announcement comes just a week in advance of New York Comic Con and MCM Comic Con’s Metaverse, the all-digital event kicking off on October 8 to bring the excitement, community, and incredible content expected from NYCC directly to fans around the world through their partnership with YouTube.
Aaron Kuder Ben Harvey Bernard Chang Casey Parsons Daniel Sampere Elsa Charretier
To date, the annual NYCC Charity Art Auction has raised more than $575K towards life saving research and treatment for the children of St. Jude. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital is internationally recognized for its pioneering research and treatment of children with cancer and other catastrophic diseases. It is the only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center devoted solely to children and pushing the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20 percent to 80 percent since the hospital opened more than 50 years ago. Included in that vision is that no child is denied treatment based on race, religion or a family’s ability to pay.
“Each year, we look forward to giving back to the community through New York Comic Con’s immense platform,” said Kristina Rogers, Event Director. “This year, we are honored to benefit the incredible work that is being done at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. We are excited for fans to see all of the fantastic artwork by some of our favorite creators.”
Frank Quietly Ivan Reis & Joe Prado Jay Anacleto
You can check out the latest artwork for this year’s benefit here. Fans looking to participate can register for the event by going to https://vfundraise.net/NYCC20/.
New York Comic Con is the ultimate pop culture destination event in the United States. NYCC brings the best of comics, television, film, exhibitors, celebrities, cosplay, anime, and more to create memorable, uniquely exciting experiences for fans. These experiences transcend beyond the walls of the Javits Center and continue to live beyond the weekend of NYCC through Metaverse, the online world of ReedPop digital content.
The New York Comic Con YouTube channel will exclusively live stream panels from leading entertainment brands. For more information, please visit FindTheMetaverse.com and NYCC’s social media pages (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).
Jim Lee Kim Jung Gi Mike Mignola Tim Smith 3 Todd Nauck Yoshitaka Amano
Participating Artists Include
Aaron Alexovich | Guy Dorian, Sr. | Newsha Ghasemi |
Aaron Conley | Helen Masellis | Nidhi Chanani |
Aaron Kuder | Holly Randall | Nooligan |
Aaron McConnell | James Mulligan | Olivier Vatine |
Adam Knave | Jan Marc | Paolo Rivera |
Adelso Corona | Javier Avila | Penelope Gaylord |
Adriano Di Benedetto | Javier Fernandez | Peter Han |
Agnes Garbowska | Jay Anacleto | Phil Hester |
Alex Maleev | Jemely & Jeremy Jayme | Philip Tan |
Alex Sanchez | Jerry Gaylord | Rafa Sandoval |
Alex Saviuk | Jessica Lynn | Rafer Roberts |
Andrea Tamme | Jim Calafiore | Ramon Perez |
Andrew Griffith | Jim Lee | Ray-Anthony Height |
Arthur Adams | Jim Polpiboon | Raymund Bermudez |
Ben Caldwell | Jim Terry | Rebekah Isaacs |
Ben Harvey | JM Dragunas | Riccardo Federici |
Bernard Chang | Joe Corroney | Rich Bernatovech |
Bill Walko | Joe Prado | Richard Isanove |
Billy Tucci | Joe Staton | Richard Pace |
Bob Hall | Joel Siegel | Rob Guillory |
Brian Hoang | John Giang | Rod Reis |
Brian Kong | John Livesay | Rose Besch |
Brian Roll | John Timms | Ryan Benjamin |
Bryan Turner | Johnny Wander | Ryan Kincaid |
Carl Potts | Jon Lam | Sanford Greene |
Carlo Pagulayan | Jorge Molina | Scoot McMahon |
Casey Parsons | Justin Castaneda | Sergio Davila |
Charles Thurston | Justin Greenwood | Shawn Crystal |
Chris Campana | Justin Orr | Sina Grace |
Chris Giarrusso | Karen Hallion | Soo Lee |
Chrissie Zullo | Kate Carleton | Stephane Roux |
Clayton Crain | Keith Williams | Stephanie Lavaud |
Cory Smith | Kim Jung Gi | Stephen Segovia |
Cryssy Cheung | Kimberli Johnson | Steve Ellis |
Crystal Fae | Kit Steele | Steve Lieber |
Dan Dougherty | Klaus Janson | Terry Moore |
Daniel Govar | Liam Sharp | Thom Zahler |
Daniel Khanna | Livio Ramondelli | Tim Seeley |
Daniel Sampere | Lord Mesa | Tim Smith 3 |
David Mack | Luke Ross | Tim Von Rueden |
Derrick Chew | Mahmud Asrar | Todd Nauck |
Des Taylor | Marat Mychaels | Tom Kelly |
Dong Ho Kim | Marc Laming | Tom Richmond |
Doug Mahnke | Marcelo Ferreira | Tony Kordos |
Eduardo Pansica | Mark Farmer | Tony Moy |
Eduardo Risso | Matt Horak | Tony Parker |
Edwin Huang | Matteo Scalera | Tressina Bowling |
Elias Chatzoudis | Michael Locoduck Duron | Tula Lotay |
Elliot Fernandez | Michele Bandini | Tyler Walpole |
Elsa Charretier | Mike Krome | V Ken Marion |
Eric Canete | Mike Mignola | Vincenzo Federici |
Fabio Laguna | Mike Rooth | Whilce Portacio |
Frank Quitely | Mindy Lee | Will Conrad |
Gerardo Sandoval | Mirko Colak | Yoshitaka Amano |
German Peralta | Miss Jisu | Zu Orzu |
Gillian Newland | Molly Nemecek | |
Goran Sudzuka | Na Young Irene Lee |