The LITTLE PRINCE is a 2015 English-language French-Italian 3D animated fantasy adventure family drama film directed by Mark Osborne and based on the 1943 novella of the same name by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The film stars the voices of Jeff Bridges, Rachel McAdams, Paul Rudd, Bud Cort, Marion Cotillard, Benicio del Toro, James Franco, Ricky Gervais, Paul Giamatti, Riley Osborne, Albert Brooks and Mackenzie Foy. It is the first adaptation as a full-length animated feature of The Little Prince.
A little girl is trying to get into the prestigious Werth Academy, but sometimes planning a little too much can go wrong. After failing her interview her and her mother decide to move into the Werth Academy school zone. The only problem is that their house is next to a very old run down home that has an elderly but energetic ex-aviator living next door.
The old man likes to start up his plane in his back yard and that happened to cause a little damage to the little girl and her mother new home by creating a huge hole in the side of their new home. The old man means well so he befriends the little girl and begins to tell her a story about a young prince while she is home alone studying for her next shot at Werth Academy.
Overall, this film was quite enjoyable. The original novel being from 1943 and being adapted into this film was done very well. I can’t say enough good things about this film. I hate that it took me six years to ever hear about it. Watching now now on 1080p quality blu-ray is definitely the way to do it!
The video on blu-ray is a 1080p quality. The visuals on this animated film was amazing. The colors that were used throughout the film were very eye appealing and was a great choice made by the creators. Being able to see all the textures the 1080p quality was able to put out was quite impressive.
The audio for the film was the perfect balance. Obviously, with animated films all the voices are as crisp as ever since the actors do all their work in a state of the art sound studio so this film didn’t miss any notes. The voices and sounds throughout the film was excellent.
Bonus Features:
“Turnaround” – Music Video by Camille
Disc Details:
Digital Copy
Running Time:
106 Min.
Edition Ratings:
Rated PG
Region Coding:
Region A
Video Resolution:
Resolution: 1080p (2.39:1)
Audio Mixes:
English (Dolby Digital 5.1)