#013 Reservoir Dogs (Mondo X SteelBook) (Zavvi Exclusive) [UK]

Jan 30, 2013
FFO, Germany
Release date: January 18th, 2016
Purchase link: Zavvi
Price: £19.99

HDN Exclusive article here


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@Goonboy I was under the impression the release from Target was Region locked A? :confused: Otherwise, like yourself, I would jump ship and opt for @apsmith21's GB over my Zavvi order any day of the week!

However, @Apollon confirmed otherwise in an earlier post on the Reservoir Dogs Target [USA] thread. See below... :ohno: I'm so confused! o_O

@apsmith21 @Apollon, apologies but please confirm region coding for Target USA's release? Locked "A" or Free? Thank you :)

Got to be REGION FREE as Zavvi do not sell region A locked discs and they never have to my knowledge although I suppose it's not unreasonable to assume that the edition bought from The States is region A locked (according to the listing on another reliable - though not infallible - site) though I do remember a while back that Zavvi were selling some cheap E.U. imported steels in which I had zero interest.
Got to be REGION FREE as Zavvi do not sell region A locked discs and they never have to my knowledge although I suppose it's not unreasonable to assume that the edition bought from The States is region A locked.
Thanks very much for your input @virkia :) but I was referring to @Goonboy's post in which he stated @apsmith21 had confirmed the USA Target release of this film will be Region Free.

Therefore, I was just looking for further confirmation to be 100% sure. Although beit, I posted on this thread (Zavvi's). I was just following up to @Goonboy's post regarding the Target release. Apologies if I confused you... ;)
RE: Zavvi's listing "MONDO X STEELBOOKS" - anyone know which others will be made available to us in the U.K. through Zavvi ?
The only thing against this is the price
C'mon zavvi do the decent thing
This should be £14.99

I don't get why they are selling it for that price either. It should match the us version price after conversion.
They just like to bleed people dry. If this don't sell out I might wait it out. Do love the look of it tho and p*sses over the previous silver version although I only paid about £3 for it
It's an absolute beauty this steelbook and I don't object to paying the asking price for it to encourage lots more Zavvi / Mondos in a similar vein.

I'd be quite happy to sacrifice many basic U.K. steelbook pre-orders to own a collection of these . . . yes, indeed :)

Anyone know anything about the advertised "Translucent sleeve" that comes with this Mondo X steelbook ?

I've never bought a steelbook with a sleeve before and was wondering about a couple of things in regard to said sleeve :-
(Have bought a couple of Amarays with translucent sleeves and both had some sort of design on them).

(1) Completely translucent with no design of any kind / title / logos / BBFC stamps on it ?
As this steelbook has a very 'busy' design I expect the sleeve to be design-free, but if anyone knows better . . .

(2) Slips over the j-card / 1/4 slip or is there just a backing card with the film data and classification stamps glued / taped to the back of the steelbook which will not provide an obstacle for the slip to slide over it?

Anyone know anything about the advertised "Translucent sleeve" that comes with this Mondo X steelbook ?

I've never bought a steelbook with a sleeve before and was wondering about a couple of things in regard to said sleeve :-
(Have bought a couple of Amarays with translucent sleeves and both had some sort of design on them).

(1) Completely translucent with no design of any kind / title / logos / BBFC stamps on it ?
As this steelbook has a very 'busy' design I expect the sleeve to be design-free, but if anyone knows better . . .

(2) Slips over the j-card / 1/4 slip or is there just a backing card with the film data and classification stamps glued / taped to the back of the steelbook which will not provide an obstacle for the slip to slide over it?
If it's the same as the other Mondo Steelbooks the translucent sleeve will have Mondo exclusive Steelbook on it and the film data on the back. They sometimes have titles on there aswell. I would imagine it will also have the age rating logo's on it.
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Many thanks - sounds perfect and maybe an idea that would suit all regular steelbooks as that would do away with the necessity of j-cards and partial slips.
There will be a slight difference with this UK release and USA/Canada

The UK Clear slip will have rating logos
Hopefully they will be removable stickers as it will look out of place with the rest of the Mondo steelbook collectors have already been purchasing over the past year from USA and Canada

I have every Mondo steelbook to date and in the Group buys for Mondo Steelbooks #11 #12 #13 #14 and also pre ordered Mondo #15 from Germany

I have also ordered the Zavvi #13 Reservoir Dogs even though I'm in the Group Buy for the USA Mondo #13 Reservoir Dogs
So I'm double dipping on the same release for now

If the UK rating logos are printed and not removable stickers I will be not be ordering any Mondo Steelbook from Zavvi if that same release is available in either USA or Canada

If Zavvi have a Mondo release not available in USA/Canada then yes I will most likely order it even if the rating logo is not removable but hopefully they will understand the importance that they do be removable as Mondo Steelbook collectors require this
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I think the #15 will have a rating logo too.
Hopefully removable...
The previous Similar type mondo clear slip released in Germany with True Detective the rating logo were removable stickers
So it is most likely that Mondo#15 will be the same

The problem is that the UK version of True Detective the rating logos were printed not removable

I think I'm right here to say majority of the existing collectors of Mondo Steelbooks don't want any rating logos printed I hope the rating logos will be removable as it would spoil the clear slip if they are printed
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Printed BBFC stamps for me, please, or else there's little point in paying so much more for a U.K. / Mondo X steelbook than for the same steelbook from Canada or wherever.

. . . and, anyway, even if printed, they won't be bothersome to those who don't like them if like most people the steelbooks are displayed on shelving with only the spines visible and I'd guess that the stamps will be either on the front or on the back of the see-through slip and not on the spine :)
Moreover, the stamps should be unobtrusive on a see-through slip and certainly less obtrusive than on a regular j-card or partial slip.
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