1989 Batman Screening and Poster by Ken Taylor


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009

BATMAN (1989) Screening

In 1989, Tim Burton gave us his incredible version of Batman, combining a masterful blend of gorgeous production design, an incredible soundtrack (from both Prince and Danny Elfman) and the inspired casting of Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson. The modern superhero blockbuster was born. We’re extremely excited to present the film in beautiful 35mm at MondoCon this year with a limited edition, screen printed poster by Ken Taylor. Poster is included in the ticket price and only available to attendees. Stay tuned for ticketing information!
Those tickets I think will sell out FAST. @tridon and myself are upset cause we dont think it will be possible to make this due to time slot and us having to do some booth work at show end each day.
Those tickets I think will sell out FAST. @tridon and myself are upset cause we dont think it will be possible to make this due to time slot and us having to do some booth work at show end each day.

Upset is an understatement. We're gonna go full-on Bane-attacking-a-football-game at MondoCon due to our sheer frustration. Why would you play Batman before Goonies?! :box:
We're going to Pieces .... that is our reward for us not getting the "fan" experience from Mondo Con haha.
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:wow: this print looks awesome!
Quite a striking pose for Batman too.

It's a pity they couldn't get likeness rights for Nicholson, even just for the joker image on the card.
It hurts, man. Lucky @Aniv picked up one of these today from someone. He brought it over to the booth to show @Wreck and I. I kid you not, it gave me chills. Everytime I think of it, I just get goosebumps. It was incredible!
I'm refraining myself to NOT jump the gun and hit the BUY IT NOW button on Evilbay...