Your house is on fire. What do you save?


Woot woot woot!
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Sep 17, 2012
Stoke-on-Trent, England
You are on your own in your house (your family are visiting relatives) and you wake up and realise your house in on fire. You only have time to save ONE material/prized posession. Be as selfish as you like. What do you save?

For me, it would be my 2TB external hard drive. If I'm going to be staying at my parents whilst my house is rebuilt, I'm going to need my movie collection and I'm buggered if I'm downloading them again!
One item or anything you can carry? If the later, as many Steelbooks as I can grab (isn't that the obvious answer?) :hilarious:
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My trousers!

Don't want to be watching my house burn down while I'm stood outside naked :hilarious:

Now I'm just off to put the insurance company's business card in the back pocket just in case ;)
my wallet.Otherwise i would have to go to the dmv and social security office.

besides my wife and two kids, I would grab my box of home videos (still on VHS, and mini-VHS) that I've been meaning to get all transfered onto DVD or Blu-ray (but I always forget to do so...I've been forgetting to do this for the past 10 years).
If including living things, my dog

If not including living things, my National Hockey League puck and mini-mug collections that my grandparents collected for me when I was a kid
I would grab my NAS drive since my most important documents, photos, files, and you name it are all backed up to it. That's what a NAS drive is for, in case of a drive failure or some kind of catastrophic event should occur, you grab your drive and go. Most valuable stuff on it is probably every single click of the camera of my children since they were born are on it. Irreplaceable! Perfect memories cannot be destroyed. ;)
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I allways did wonder about , how I would go about making a Claim , for any of my items , as all the paper work is in a Filing Cabinet , and the rest is Digital , on 1 of the Note Books , so I wondered If the Old Insurance Comps , would try to say "sorry TC , but we dont know you " ??

can we have your Policy please ??

Arhh, it went up in the great Bush fire of 2013 mate :)
I would save my guitar ... no wait my laptop ... no wait my amp ...

i think in the time it would take for me to decide what to save my house would already have burned to ashes and probably me together with it :p The guys from fire department would probably find my burned body and beside me all my valued possesions that i tried to save but that were to heavy for me to carry :hilarious: