Andy's BluFans and Black Label Charity Giveaway #001

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Operations Director
Staff Member
Aug 6, 2010
apsmith21, all funds donated benefit Children of Adam

All ninja week

All registered members, regardless of post count, BUT you will need to donate at least once


All the BluFans steelbooks listed in my photo below. New to BluFans? Now is your chance to get some of the first items in the series.

HDN will also contribute the following prizes - a suspiria steelbook, a matt ryan tobin slipbox, a black out coin, and BOTH matt ryan tobin coins!




Q: How can I win the blufans steelbooks?
A: Simply donate $5 using this paypal button. At the conclusion of Ninja Week, I will send all funds donated to Children of Adam. Total funds raised will be disclosed at that time and proof of donation will be posted here. You can donate up to 3x (THREE TIMES) for a total donation of $15. Shipping to your location will be covered by me.

CONTEST TERMS and other Info:

Q: What's Children of Adam?
A: Our very own @DADDYCOOL187 is a founding member of this charity, and you can read more at

Q: What kind of charity work do they do?
A: All kinds, but here's a recent YouTube if you'd like to learn more.

Q: When will the donation be made?
A: At the conclusion of ninja week, I will make a donation for the total amount to Children of Adam. Total funds raised will be disclosed at that time and proof of donation will be posted here.

Q: How you will know who has donated what?
A: I will tally each users donations at the end, but it would be most helpful as a double check if you can post here, how many $5 donations you made. Someone that has 3 donations will indeed have a greater chance of winning than someone that donated just once.

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Donated 3 times,
Prizes are very, very, very, very...good. I dont have any of thos early blufans.
But the topic of this action made me do it instantly.
Scale of all HDN members can really make something, i hope the number will be impressive.
Greta idead @apsmith21 - i am proud to be the part of HDN!

This makes this week complete!
Same. Only one of those steels I wanted was Wreck it Ralph, so donating not even 2 coffee’s worth of money to a good cause was a no brainier.

Of course, being a steelbook fan I wouldnt refuse should I actually win (but in all honesty I’d be tempted to eBay a couple and pass on the extra funds to this cause - I hope whoever wins, if they already own some or don’t want/need a steel or two would maybe do the similar? More funds and wins all round IMO :)
It can be difficult sometimes gauging a charity. When a name and more importantly, a face is presented that details the important work one does, it makes it significantly easier to lend support.
Quite happy to have donated twice to such a worthwhile project for as the expression says "There but for the grace of God, go I...".
Well done to all. :)
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