Best Buy Disney Steel Talk

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Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Man, I dont know about you guys, but when I went at 4:30pm yesterday it was like only one or two had been bought. They also had alot more than most people were reporting. There was like 8 of each copy and only 6 of Monsters. Maybe even 10 of a couple copies.

I went ahead and took the dive and grabbed the three POTC ... they are actually bad ass looking in person but look like crap sorta on the paper.
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Was at Best Buy this weekend and noticed they had tons of steelbooks...remember all 3 Pirates, Pinochio, Sleeping Beuty and Nightmare before Christmas...didn't look at all of them but those are the ones I remember....
Was Up in Steelbook format only released as an empty case that came with a purchase of Up on Blu-ray in a regular case?

I remember being at my local Best Buy a few weeks back and seeing Up in a Steelbook case for ~$35, but haven't seen it since.

Is there a SKU for a 4-disc Up in Steelbook I could use to see if any Best Buys around me might still have it? I was able to pick up Wall-E (the last copy) and Ratatouille (they had 3 copies left) in Steelbook the other day.
Up was only released as a steelbook in an empty case. The film was sold separately and it's 35.99 so that's what you might have seen at BB.
Up was only released as a steelbook in an empty case. The film was sold separately and it's 35.99 so that's what you might have seen at BB.

Thank you for the reply.

I'm seeing an item called "Pre-Sell Up Steelbook - DVD" on Best Buy's site for 14.99 with a SKU of 9552986. Is this the empty Steelcase?

If so, it's showing as available for purchase at 5 Best Buys near me.
Thank you for the reply.

I'm seeing an item called "Pre-Sell Up Steelbook - DVD" on Best Buy's site for 14.99 with a SKU of 9552986. Is this the empty Steelcase?

If so, it's showing as available for purchase at 5 Best Buys near me.

I don't have a closed steelbook of UP so I can't confirm the SKU. I can't remember if that's the same description from when I bought mine. However, I don't recall having seen any DVD sized UP steelbook from Best Buy so I suggest you order online and pick up in the store so you can physically go and see if it's Blu-ray size.
Was Up in Steelbook format only released as an empty case that came with a purchase of Up on Blu-ray in a regular case?

I remember being at my local Best Buy a few weeks back and seeing Up in a Steelbook case for ~$35, but haven't seen it since.

Is there a SKU for a 4-disc Up in Steelbook I could use to see if any Best Buys around me might still have it? I was able to pick up Wall-E (the last copy) and Ratatouille (they had 3 copies left) in Steelbook the other day.

Up can still be bought online last I checked @

Up in Canada had the discs inside it and there fore was more expensive.
Disney Steelbooks

Are the 13 steelbooks that disney released all worth getting, at the futureshop stores around me i can get everyone they have lots of copies.

Also i saw up in steelbook but it was 3 discs was there a 4 disc steelbook version and if so was it available in canada.

Anyone know how many copies of each steelbook are made.

Right now i have all 3 pirates and nightmare before christmas
Are the 13 steelbooks that disney released all worth getting, at the futureshop stores around me i can get everyone they have lots of copies.

Also i saw up in steelbook but it was 3 discs was there a 4 disc steelbook version and if so was it available in canada.

Anyone know how many copies of each steelbook are made.

Right now i have all 3 pirates and nightmare before christmas

To tell you the truth that's really hard to find out, since originally these Disney steelbook were "exclusive" and then they showed up at BB. Well most BB's still have tons of Disney steels around. Except Sleeping Beauty since it went back in the vault on January 30th, it might be the only valuable in the bunch ;)
1)Are the 13 steelbooks that disney released all worth getting, at the futureshop stores around me i can get everyone they have lots of copies.

2)Also i saw up in steelbook but it was 3 discs was there a 4 disc steelbook version and if so was it available in canada.

3)Anyone know how many copies of each steelbook are made.

4) Right now i have all 3 pirates and nightmare before christmas

1)They were limited at first when only Canada had them and very scarce, but when the USA got them they have become over run. They wont be worth gobs until years later. Just a lot out there on the market. So only get what you really want. The Disney ones that have movies that will end up getting vaulted will more than likely be the ones worth the most in the long run. That being Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Pinnochio etc.

2)I'm pretty sure there was only one UP Canadian version (maybe 2 if you count the all french version) but if you saw a 3disc then that is what was released.

3)Minimum run is 8,000 however big retailers with huge buying power can sometimes negotiate doing split runs. i.e. 4k of Nightmare and 4k of Cars (those titles are just examples.)

4)Good choices, the Pirates are awesome looking. Get Monsters Inc if you can, its a fan favorite. :)
So I went back to my local BB with the SKU for "Pre-Sell Up Steelbook" and they were showing 10 in stock. Guy goes out back to check, 15 minutes later, nothing. We check their inventory system again, now it's showing 0 in stock.

Another BB about 2 miles away is showing 8 in stock, so he calls and they can't find any. He suggests trying to order it online and schedule for a store pickup.

So I order it online at another local BB showing stock, and get back an email saying it's ready for pickup. I drive there, and wait for about 15 minutes while they try to find my order. They then say they don't have it, and the order was canceled.


Off to eBay!
The one online says DVD but it IS blu-ray ... its just how its listed, same with the Snow White. I know, I've ordered this plus they never made a dvd one.
I had a question about Disney/Pixar's Cars in Steelbook packaging. I bought a new, sealed copy tonight from BB, got it home, unwrapped it, and opened it up. I don't know if it was intentional or if I got a defective copy, but the front of the Blu-ray looks very faded, almost as if it's been left out in the sun. The back of the disc is brand-new with no scratches, and the front has no scratches either. The colors just don't look right.
Does it play at all? I don't know if the regular bd has the same design. I don't have the Cars steel though.

The disc plays fine.

I tried taking some photos but they didn't capture the effect very well (only camera I have is the one in my iPhone).

Upon closer inspection, it appears there's some sort of coating on the front of the disc that is causing the image/text to reflect, much like the effect you get when you look at a plasma from the side and you see double text/images. Hopefully, that explains what's going on.

I'd love to hear from someone else with a Cars Steelbook to see if this is normal.
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On a separate note, is there any news on when Finding Nemo and The Incredibles will be released on Blu-ray? I'm assuming they'll also get the Steelbook treatment, as have all other Pixar movies currently released on Blu.
Nemo is scheduled for later this year, I presume they may get the steelbook treatment as well since their has been hints pointing towards another promotion like the last 12 weeks of Disney which was very successful in Canada. However, it's all hear-say until something concrete comes up.

But we cant just assume that all Pixar movies will get Steel as the studios rejected the request for steels for Toy Story 1 and 2 in Canada.
So, being in a Steelbook kick lately, I picked up POTC 1 and Bug's Life from BB.

I wish I had read about POTC on this site beforehand regarding the 2 discs, 1 slot issue. I still have the receipt for it and am debating possibly returning it.

Bug's Life seems to have the opposite issue. The Steelbook has 2 slots, but only 1 disc. Can anyone confirm if Bug's Life is supposed to be like this?
So, being in a Steelbook kick lately, I picked up POTC 1 and Bug's Life from BB.

I wish I had read about POTC on this site beforehand regarding the 2 discs, 1 slot issue. I still have the receipt for it and am debating possibly returning it.

Bug's Life seems to have the opposite issue. The Steelbook has 2 slots, but only 1 disc. Can anyone confirm if Bug's Life is supposed to be like this?

Yeah, it happens from time to time with different steelbook releases. There are ways to switch that plastic center piece from another steelbook with one disc holder.

You are probably going to experience this with future releases.
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