CraigH's Shelf


Premium Supporter
Jan 10, 2012
Last week I finally got a new shelf system for my movie (HD DVD & BluRay) collection. Since this photo was taken I have added The Godfather trilogy (steel slip) and Devil's Double steelbook to my collection.

I currently have around 30 movies on order/in the post as well :oohyeah:

Also forgot to mention that the movies are arranged in time order. Unfortunately my partner has a bad habit of falling asleep during movies so if she's tired, we head to the left side of the shelf where the shorter movies are :hilarious:

I also have a silver dot (sticker) placed on the spine of all my new movies so I can keep track of what we have watched. After the movie is watched, the sticker comes off.
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We share the same problem so I see.. LOL
My gf makes it impossible to watch any film from the beginning to the end of it.
I hate it because I feel like we (alright I'm gonna be honest now, I) are wasting time, I'd rather watch any film that I like and enjoy or disappoint from and that she could have a good rest or a good night sleep.

You have a very good taste in movies and loved that black cabinets, blu-ray amarays looks beautiful! You're lucky to have a good place for them in your house/room :)))

Thumbs up mate!
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