Drive Hammer Edition Raffle


Is Here To Serve
Staff Member
Jan 26, 2009
Hello all,

Have 1 Drive Reel Synergy Hammer Edition with some small corner damage. In an effort to help out a member, under a special circumstance this is being offered for a raffle. You dont pay until the raffle fills.

There is 20 spots at $7.50 a spot You can buy multiple spots. PICK YOUR SPOTS ... If you win, you will have to pay for the shipping. It will ship from Germany. See the pics provided, perhaps these small imperfections isn't that big a deal on this rare piece to accent your Drive collection if your fan.
(there is no movie)

If you want in, just reply below with your SPOT # if the person above you claimed that spot, pick a different spot. Payment only if the raffle FILLS completely.

1. @dede02paid
2. @phishphan192paid
3. @ilovebdpaid
4. @Thwippaid
5. @dede02paid
6. @ilovebdpaid
7. @kbr1656paid
8. @Manpreetpaid
9. @cleverloginname paid
10. @cleverloginname paid
11. @Chrismanpaid
12. @phishphan192paid
13. @Lordpercypaid
14. @GinjaNinja18paid
15. @Chrismanpaid
16. @Parapaid
17. @Chrisman paid
18. @kbr1656paid
19. @Thwippaid
20. @dede02paid

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Oh dude, please don't feel bad. This kind of thing happens and it wasn't your fault at all. People were joking and busting my balls the other day and I reacted rather negatively but it was a rough week...normally I have a better sense of humor about these things.
But PLEASE enjoy your winnings. The idea that you even bothered to put a message up like this tells me your a really decent person. By all means please enjoy that Drive set, it looks awesome dude.

I know @Wreck has worked out some thing for me, don't know what but I'm looking forward to it. Turns out there are a lot of decent people here...

