E3 09 - Sony's Conference A+

Jan 29, 2009
This year's Electronic Entertainment Expo is taking a giant step towards returning to the glitzy, people-packed shows of three years ago, with attendance expected to be about ten times last year's show and the exhibit halls nearly the same size as the shows that once included ear-splitting rock bands, fire juggling and bikini-clad models.

E3 2009 will also see the return of a more relaxed registration policy for show-goers and rules that once more allow models on the expo floor.

The return to the size and glamor of earlier E3s comes after two years of downsizing and falling attendance at the show that once drew 70,000 people to Los Angeles to revel in all things video game.

In 2006, the Entertainment Software Association announced they would be downsizing the show and moving it to Santa Monica. In 2007, the show returned to the Los Angeles Convention Center, but remained a shadow of its former self. Several developers decided to not attend last year's show, including Activision, Atlus, Bethesda Softworks, NCsoft, Vivendi Games and Warner Bros. Interactive.

This year's list of attendees shows that all but NCsoft are returning to the show.

“The 2009 E3 Expo will be the preeminent North American computer and video game event,” said Michael D. Gallagher, CEO of the ESA. “With robust exhibitor sales, high attendee interest, and strong commitments from multiple industry sectors, we are going to ensure the full excitement and energy of this industry is on display.”

Currently about 70 exhibitors are listed as attending the show, which is more than double the number at last year's. And event organizers say that the floor is filling up quickly.

"We encourage interested companies to contact us because floor sales are going quickly with more than half sold out," a spokesman told me.

Another major change to the show is the new registration policy which has been relaxed to allow more attendees to make it into the show. The last two shows were by invitation only. But this year's show return's to the 2006 policy of allowing people to register to get in.


The show is open to all "credentialed" international and U.S.-based media, industry analysts, retailers, developers and business partners.

Industry professionals need to submit two pieces of identification showing they work in the industry and press credentials are acquired by registering on the site. Both media credentialing and attenddee registration is now official open over on the e3 site.

While the show floor maps aren't yet available on the official site, I've heard that this year's show will essentially be the same size as 2006's convention hall-filling show but without Kentia Hall.

Source: kotaku.com/5144216/activision-and-booth-babes-returns-to-an-e3-ten-times-bigger-than-last-years
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New PS3 firmware at E3?

According to a reliable source, who like to remain anonymous, will Sony during E3 to announce a new feature for the console. This feature will be immediately available by a firmware update during E3 gelaunched will be. What exactly this feature will hold for us a mystery, but that really is going to be fat is almost a sure thing, says the source. The E3 2009 promises to be the E3 Sony Computer Entertainment, with many spectacular announcements and new gameplay images, among other God of War III, Heavy Rain, MAG, and much more.
whisper whisper in-game chat whisper cough hack cross game invites cough hack whisper whisper

ah who am I kidding? sony giving us what we really really really want?

whisper whisper in-game chat whisper cough hack cross game invites cough hack whisper whisper

ah who am I kidding? sony giving us what we really really really want?


thats coming..i dunno about at e3 tho. that sure would shut up all the bitching tho wouldn't it

i responded to your pc troubles btw
New PS3 firmware at E3?

According to a reliable source, who like to remain anonymous, will Sony during E3 to announce a new feature for the console. This feature will be immediately available by a firmware update during E3 gelaunched will be. What exactly this feature will hold for us a mystery, but that really is going to be fat is almost a sure thing, says the source. The E3 2009 promises to be the E3 Sony Computer Entertainment, with many spectacular announcements and new gameplay images, among other God of War III, Heavy Rain, MAG, and much more.

i know the answer to this one it's ps cloud the said yesterday that ps cloud will be put on the console so we can get more services out of our ps3. they said expect more at e3 so i think this is it.
whisper whisper in-game chat whisper cough hack cross game invites cough hack whisper whisper

ah who am I kidding? sony giving us what we really really really want?

In game XMB, anyone?

Still hoping for the VidZone service (EU and Auzzie only I'm afraid), more on GT5, any info on Crack in Time multiplayer (if any), and EU PSN cards. I need them so bad.
The Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) has gone through a series of changes since 2006, revered by many to be the last great E3. It appears that the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), who has been in charge of the show since its 1995 inception, has been listening because this year it promises a return to form. One of the biggest draws to E3 are the great reveals that appear at the individual manufacturers' press conferences. In fact, more and more it seems those are the only things not released to the press prior to the show. It's any person's guess what will be said at each conference, so below are our predictions from the big three.


The Wii has almost completely removed itself from the traditional realm of gaming. The fact that some of the most asinine game collections break sales records and that most hardcore games never break into the top 10 is a clear indication of this. On the other hand, the DS continues to deliver many titles that, ironically, cater to the hardcore and casual alike. At the same time, anytime a DS title diverts purely to the hardcore, the sales tell an obvious and sad tale. Since Nintendo doesn't necessarily need the core gamer to purchase their products, this may explain why the press conference last year was less than impressive. This year, however, Nintendo is promising to cater more to the hardcore audience, which is who predominantly attends E3. A continued focus on the hardcore shows that Nintendo has not forgotten the consumers that got them to where they are in the first place.

What Nintendo Needs To Do

There's not really anything left to come down the pipe for the hardcore crowd, so we need to see more games they intend to release, especially for the Wii, to keep us pleased. With dreams of Kid Icarus shattered (Factor 5 appears to no longer be involved), Punch-Out! appearing pre-E3, and no new news, Nintendo needs to keep the hype train moving after the release of some recent strong titles. Additionally, we need to see a stronger justification of Wii Motion Plus, which was originally planned to be released prior to E3 2009, and more examples of non-Wii sports games that could benefit. DSi has released and it's selling like hot cakes, but the DSi-Ware lineup has been less than impressive. Whether it emulates the iPhone formula or just continues with previous Nintendo licenses, Nintendo needs to justify the value of DSi-Ware. It does not, however, need to drop the price or announce any new consoles. As much as gamers would like the price dropped, there's no economical reason to do so and it's far too soon for Nintendo to abandon its current consoles for new hardware, especially in these trying times.

What Nintendo Will Probably Do

We expect the presentation to begin with Wii Motion Plus. It just seems foolish not to solidify the release of the updated Wii hardware and give more examples that prove the wait was worth it. It would be even better if we could see it on a non-Nintendo product, like say, Tiger Woods, which has been confirmed to include Wii Motion Plus in the box. To further entice the hardcore, we guess Nintendo might move on to show off a completed version of the Conduit. An FPS has never been impressive on the Wii and we have to admit it looks pretty good. Nintendo is also expected to show off a new title in either the Mario, Zelda, or Pikmin franchise, so expect to see one of those. We then expect a focus over to the DSi, possibly complete with DSi-Ware, and maybe even the reveal of a big title, although with the sales of GTA Chinatown Wars, Nintendo may back off. Revealing virtual console on DSi would be awesome, but we truly don't expect it to happen. The first party Nintendo titles Pokemon Soul Silver and Heart Gold as well as Zelda: Spirit Tracks will most likely be in the DSi presentation as well. The closing of the show will go back to focus on the upcoming Red Steel 2, which is promising to do what the original Red Steel was trying to accomplish. In all truth, however, there will be investors in the audience that will need to see some casual and family-friendly games to reassure them that the Wii has a strong marketable future. Expect to see some games many of us don't really care about.


Many people felt that last year, Microsoft's presentation was the strongest with both the reveal of Final Fantasy XIII on 360 along with several JRPG exclusives and being the lead SKU in several multi-console titles (like Resident Evil 5). One thing Microsoft had going for it last year was that the software of its console was receiving an overhaul (NXE) and there was a clear and strong upcoming release list. This year Microsoft doesn't have that much to offer exclusively, in direct contrast to Sony, except for mere promises. At the same time, Don Mattrick, Senior VP of Interactive Media at Microsoft, has promised that the 360 will "transform the way you think about home entertainment". He's made strong promises before, though, like last year's promise of a Bungie reveal only to pull it at the last minute for a later event.

What Microsoft Needs To Do

Home entertainment, whatever that truly means, is nice and all, but unless it solely involves gaming then it should be a secondary thought. Microsoft has built significant momentum since last year, but with Halo: ODST as the only strong 360 exclusive so far going up against a slew of upcoming Sony titles, Microsoft needs to provide a stronger library. While the motion-sensing room cameras are an interesting idea for game interaction, it looks a little gimmicky and right now may not be a good time to create a new interface for the 360. We need to see Microsoft taking back the strength from previous years with a solid catalog, continued XBL support and a great reveal.

What Microsoft Will Probably Do

If Microsoft does decide to introduce the new motion-sensing apparatus, expect the press conference to open with it, if only because it requires tons of setup. Again, if Microsoft introduces this, expect to see some ideal game for interacting with it (possibly a sports collection) and maybe a few details. This will be mostly to show off the possibilities of the 360 and to get people hyped. We then expect a slew of games we already know are coming soon, like Halo: ODST and probably either Lost Planet 2 or Dead Rising 2 to continue with last year's Capcom trend. There may be some discussion about casual download games and upcoming XBLA titles. There's been some buzz about Microsoft possibly introducing a premium XBL membership that will either be more expensive than gold or replace gold. In either case, we hope all gamers will then get gold for free. If Microsoft is going to do this, it will be introduced, and probably launched, immediately at E3. Finally the reveal, which could truly be anyone's guess after last year, but I'm thinking it may be Alan Wake in a playable version or extended story trailer.


Last year Sony clearly showed off the largest number of titles, but ultimately there was little to reveal. At the same time, the use of LittleBigPlanet to reveal the usually boring sales number was pure genius as wes showing off a version of Killzone 2 that came damn close to the initial rendered trailer. Sony appears to have a clear plan businesswise this year with so many heavy console exclusives, but they need to justify it in the presentation and reveal something a little more impressive than MAG. Luckily, this year Sony has some bragging rights on all fronts.

What Sony Needs To Do

The number one thing Sony needs to do, which it may very well not, is drop the price of the Playstation 3. We're hoping that if Sony actually does, we'll see a bundle at $349.99 with a solid title or two and maybe even a second controller, unless they want to simply drop the price to $299.99, which will really give the PS3 momentum. Sony needs to sell the value of games you can't find anywhere else, like Heavy Rain, Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time, Uncharted 2, and God of War III. It also needs to reveal the new PSP and give us a clear vision to justify the lack of a second analog stick and a purely digital format. Hopefully, like last year's movie service, Sony announces the reported 100 digital games avaiable is live immediately. Now that most of the strongest PSP games are out with both Resitance: Retribution and Patapon 2, we also need to be reminded that PSP has a future with some strong titles. While we're all tired of hearing about Home, Sony has to do something to convince gamers that Home has validity on the PSN because, to date, it has not. Sony also should show off it's continued strong support of downloaded titles like Fat Princess and hopefully show off some of the stronger PSOne downloadable titles previously promised (if we see a release of FF VII it would rock).

What Sony Will Probably Do

Since Sony is going last and tends to move in a linear fasion, we expect Sony to open with a strong PS3 presence. It's possible that the next trailer or gameplay footage of God of War III will open, but various other titles like Uncharted 2, MAG, or even Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time (which we haven't really seen much of) could also fill this spot. We may even see the new motion controls that all the non-Nintendo companies seem so interested in, but we're not all that psyched about. PS3 has worked hard to make exclusive titles more common on the PS3 and Sony should work this to its advantage. Expect to see the upcoming anticipated titles as well as possibly one or two more that are either rumored or unheard of. There will probably be some push with PSN and Home. Sony will most likely move to the PSP, showing off the new PSP GO! design and hopefully announce some games and network support (possibly revealing it's live as of the same day, but the past has taught us that the hardware launch will probably wait for fall). The PS2 will also get some time, especially with titles still coming out and the recent price drop, as well as a holiday bundle that we see almost every year. Being last and needing to take home the prize, we hope Sony will close with a great reveal. It may be that the PS3's price has dropped and its new price is effective immediately. It could close with God of War III. It could also be any type of reveal of any manner since every year we see something new. Here's hoping Sony doesn't waste this opportunity like it did last year.

While many of these predictions aren't all that far fetched, it's fun to guess what we might see at E3 and compare who was right and who was wrong. Many of these predictions are based on educated guesses and some rumor/speculation. Also don't forget that E3 is really all about the games and there will be much more to see in that realm far beyond the big three presentations. Here's hoping that E3 2009 is every bit as wonderous, impressive, and full of killer reveals as the so-often compared 2006 convention we all remember and love.
Cohort Studios, a Dundee-based developer of Sony software (Go! Puzzle, Buzz! Junior: Dino Den and Buzz! Junior: Ace Racers) has just announced that they now have a string of exclusive and as-yet unnamed titles in development for release on Playstation 3 throughout the year. One of them, a PSN title, has been approved for release and the team are awaiting a date and publisher details. The second, their main project, will be an original PS3 title and will receive its announcement and first showing at E3 this year.

We don’t yet have any further details, although reading between the lines it’s apparent that the first PSN title will be a port, which is interesting. Anyone doubting the team’s credentials should be reminded that the team members at Cohort have worked on some of the biggest franchises within the industry, including Battlefield, Medal of Honour, Harry Potter, F1, Wipeout, Theme Park World, Syndicate, Crash, Goldeneye, Populous, Dungeon Keeper, Serious Sam and FIFA.
I want to check out FIFA, Madden and Live along with 2K sports titles and Activision booth.

Anybody knows that the cool gifts are given on first day :) Nintendo always hands out some cool stuff so I am going to be there for a while.

I will like to go see GOWIII I am sure the demo will be up and running. :scat:
There could be a whole host of huge announcements at this year's E3...or, there could be almost none at all, and this falls under the ever-widening category of "bad hype business." So, what should you be on the lookout for? What are the hottest rumors as we head into the show? Well, we're bound to drag up a few more over the next few weeks, but here's the current batch; it's impressive:

PlayStation 3 Price Drop

This probably tops the list, simply because fans have been clamoring for a PS3 price drop for many months now. We've seen and heard countless examples of a so-called price drop "right around the corner," but each and every time, Sony has denied the claims. So far, they've been right: there is currently no official word on a price cut for the PS3 hardware. However, E3 would be the perfect venue to make such a big announcement, and if they do, it may tie into the following...

A "Redesigned" PS3

This rumor just popped up this week, and the only reason it's plausible is because it could mean anything. It could be something as simple as new colors (like a Matte Silver and Ceramic White PS3 to match the new Dual Shock 3 controllers), or something as drastic as a brand new model (ooh, let's make the 160GB PS3 the default now!). Then again, maybe it's not a mechanical change but a structural one; there has been talk about slimming down the sexy behemoth that is Sony's next-gen machine, and we figure that's somewhat possible. But yeah, with a new model of some kind may come a price alteration...who knows?

The PSP Go!

Some sources want to say it's as good as confirmed, but until we see that press release in our inbox, it's no such thing. However, there's more evidence to back this thing than there has been for any other PSP2 rumor in the past, and that includes the long-running speculation that the new PSP would be a phone. We're almost certain you're going to see some sort of freshly redesigned PSP at E3, even if it's only another update in the form of the PSP-4000. Whatever it is, we figure it'll be made ready to launch for the holidays, which would be a good move by Sony. No doubt about it.

Team ICO's mystery PS3 project

We've been waiting on this for a loooong time. Or maybe it just feels like a loooong time. The last information we heard came from an inside source who said it would be closer to ICO than Shadow of the Colossus, but that's all we know. With all these huge technically superior blockbusters everywhere, we kinda miss the artsy approach to gaming, and you can bet Team ICO will deliver in this area. Along with Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain, this sits atop our list of unique titles we absolutely can't wait to see. We want the unveiling at E3! No more waiting!

Gran Turismo 5 in 2009

This game was mysteriously missing from Sony's confirmed list of games that would see the light of day at the show, and that makes us think... They may wish to make some sort of surprise announcement at their press conference, and we keep recalling what series creator Kazunori Yamauchi said late last year. In an interview, when asked if GT5 would be released in 2010, Yamauchi actually laughed and said it might "be coming sooner than you think." Since then, we really haven't seen any evidence that it'll launch this year...but no evidence to really say it'll be later, either. This could be very unexpected and very massive...

Other Games: Kingdom Hearts 3, Twisted Metal

For the first, we refuse to believe that Square-Enix would abandon one of their most critically acclaimed and profitable franchises. They've focused on the handhelds long enough; now's the time to step up and announce Kingdom Hearts 3. The only thing standing in the way? The final stretch run to complete Final Fantasy XIII, which the company has already said is taking up most all of their energy and focus. If that one doesn't pop up, maybe Eat Sleep Play and David Jaffe will finally lift the lid on their project, which most believe to be a new Twisted Metal. There's plenty of evidence to support the idea, but again, nothing "officially official."

Okay, so there you have it. Who wants to add more to the horde?