eBay for iPad

Lone Crusader

The Savage Ninja!
Super Moderator
Premium Supporter
Nov 24, 2011
Corpus Christi, Texas, USA
Version 2.0 Of eBay For iPad Brings A Great Deal Of Improvements

Just a few days after Amazon updated its universal iOS app with some changes that happens to be applicable only for iPhone and iPod touch, here comes eBay with an update to its iPad app that turns out to be quite a bombshell.

Today, the online auction and shopping Web site released version 2.0 of eBay for iPad. It’s a big leap from the previous version, 1.7.1, in that it’s a complete design overhaul. In addition, the new version introduces a number of new features, most of which are suggested by users.

The main attraction in the new and improved eBay for iPad may be the app’s Retina-optimized graphics, but it may also be the app’s snazzy home screen. The home screen gathers your Buying, Watching, and Selling activities in one easily accessible place, along with handy links to deals and specific categories. If you want to customize it, you can do so by putting it in “wiggle” mode, in which you can delete unwanted items and add desired ones.

Also an improvement brought by the redesign is the ability to browse search results in any of three different view types. A listing revision feature and a back button have also been added.

Version 2.0 of eBay for iPad is available now in the App Store for free. With its impressive new design and features, it’s quite a big deal.
I don't like it, searching feature is bad IMO. It has a hard time finding what I'm looking for, but if I go to my browser and type the same thing it finds it. so it's very useless if it cant perform the simplest task IMO.
The app is making money ; if someone would rather contribute to ths site then they can click the Ebay link in the top header of forum main everytime. (or an ebay link on forums)